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    Dragon's Dogma II

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Mar 22, 2024

    The long-awaited sequel to Capcom's 2012 action RPG.

    Dragon's Dogma II announced!

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    Well hey, gamers in the know are fans of Dragon's Dogma. I certainly am! I've always kind of wanted to do the original one in a Load our Last Save, but it's a super long game. Anyway, they're making a second one!

    I would copy/paste something from that article here, but there's not much to say: it's called Dragon's Dogma II and there's no release date. I'm assuming online play will heavily factor in here since they had a Dragon's Dogma MMO in Japan, and the game would seem to naturally lend itself to co-op play if you're into that kind of thing. As for me?

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    I am excited, conceptually, for a Dragon's Dogma 2.

    There are a lot of fun ideas and pieces in that first game and I hope for the sequel they put them into something I actually like.

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    #3 brian_  Online

    I haven't played Dragon's Dogma. I own it, just never got around to it. So, I know very little about it. But I've been meaning to ask this with all the sequel talk, and I think it's a question I ask with all cult classics, do you think the developers of that game know why the people that like that game like that game? Is there a chance that a sequel doesn't capture the "spirit" of that first game and just ends up being another ho-hum open world game?

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    Hell yes I'm keen to see what a followup to Dragon's Dogma looks like!

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    #5 FinalDasa  Moderator

    I should really play Dragon's Dogma huh

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    @brian_ said:

    I haven't played Dragon's Dogma. I own it, just never got around to it. So, I know very little about it. But I've been meaning to ask this with all the sequel talk, and I think it's a question I ask with all cult classics, do you think the developers of that game know why the people that like that game like that game? Is there a chance that a sequel doesn't capture the "spirit" of that first game and just ends up being another ho-hum open world game?

    That's a real good question; I can only imagine that there aren't that many original devs still at Capcom who worked on DD. I hope they iterate real good though! There was so much about the original that was super janky and hopefully can get streamlined but looking at stuff like Monster Hunter makes me suspect this might still be a jank fest.

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    As long as it maintains some of the idiosyncrasies of the first game, I'm good.

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    @brian_: The success of Elden Ring I think will encourage them to stick to things that set it apart from other open world games. My concern is more Capcom's level of commitment. With games like DMC5, games that fans really wanted but wasn't sure we were gonna get, they came so close but so obviously didn't get the level of support it needed. The production level of the back half drops off completely and it's very clear they didn't get the budget to do it total justice. That said, there is still a lot there that's great and I'm still happy we got it. I suspect DD2 might fall similarly, tho who knows, the way Elden Ring sold and still sell, perhaps Capcom will put a bet on this one.

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    Always heard at release how bad this game was or at least heavily flawed and whatnot. The game looks cool. Funny now I get that whiplash as people now say its the Elden ring before Elden ring and how it's better than souls games and it's ahead of it's time, a great, a hidden gem. Wish we all noticed hidden gems early enough for the series to get sequels quickly lol. That said the same explanation I'm giving on timeline of hate to relove, is why we're likely getting a sequel. People seem to call well-liked games bad once the love settles down, (Elden ring, sekiro, horizon forbidden west, last of us 1/2, god of war 2018, etc) and (games people disliked a bit at release, good again) such as fallout new vegas, fallout 4, Morrowind,

    Can't wait for people to get their hands on the game thou.

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    #10  Edited By AtheistPreacher

    A little weird that it only got an "announcement of a later announcement" on Capcom's Monday "Showcase" stream, but maybe they thought the stream was already too busy with Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Exoprimal.

    Apparently it will use Capcom’s internal RE Engine, which powers the recent Resident Evil remakes, Devil May Cry 5, and next year’s Street Fighter 6.

    I'm tentatively excited for it. "Tentatively" only because of @brian_'s concern that a lot of the new team may just not fully understand what made the original game great, and/or will be pressured into shifting away from some of their successful but unconventional design decisions. The original had problems, but it had great gameplay and atmosphere, did some really intriguing things design-wise (a lack of fast travel, for one, and a lack of hand-holding, for another... which Tom Chick hilariously describes in one of my all-time favorite reviews), and had one of the most (enjoyably) batshit insane endings to ever grace a video game. If they clean up some annoyances and bolster a few weaker areas--like getting rid of item burden, balancing the classes better, and crafting a slightly better middle portion of the story between the compelling opening and ending sequences--there's every chance for this to be something special.

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    I always thought Drangon's Dogma was missing something cause I felt the game ran out of steam about half way through it was a grind to get to the end, but my god that ending.

    @atheistpreacher: They did patch it so fast travel was a lot easier, I always had plenty of stones when I played.

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    @atheistpreacher: They did patch it so fast travel was a lot easier, I always had plenty of stones when I played.

    Yeah, I know, but the idea that you couldn't just warp around everywhere all the time really added something. It was a far smaller world than, say, Skyrim, but it felt subjectively larger because if you wanted to get somewhere, you had to actually hoof it there. That kind of design is antithetical to a lot of modern games that give you daily quests and such to complete. But it's a limitation that can work in a game's favor as long as the rest of the design takes it into account.

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    #13  Edited By theonewhoplays

    I don't think they will be able to recreate that perfekt ending but I'm stoked for a new DD with new monsters to climb on. I just want them to keep the slightly goofy parts like the pawn dialogue and the first theme song. They should stay FAR away from the edge-lord writing of the Netflix show. I'm still reeling from how badly that show bodged everything I like about the game.

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    @brian_ said: you think the developers of that game know why the people that like that game like that game?

    That's what i'm thinking, what was the plan for the original? Because i've always heard it described as "some of the lead game designers at Capcom wanted to make an open world RPG like Elder Scrolls, not something the company is known for, so they drew it up, the company agreed to put it out, and we ended up with something that in terms of scale pales in comparison to something like Skyrim, but was fun as hell".

    The credited director was Hideaki Itsuno coming off of DMC4 which is one of my favourite games of all time, Capcom wanted a game that would sell "one million copies", that's a pretty low bar for a big company so you can assume the budget wasn't gigantic, so it ends up being a product of the best developers given a moderately sized window to make something cool, and they did.

    DMC5 is amazing and obviously had a huge budget, it's part of Capcom's continued renaissance and proved it still has the developers to make their signature games, i just don't know what approach they should take with this, i want the DMC5 devs on it but i don't want them to make an Elder Scrolls game, i want it to have a sense of humour, i want it to keep its unique style, i want the pawns to constantly tell me everything that's on their mind.

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    @rorie: A Load Our Last Save with Dogma would be great! I’ve been curious about it since it’s coming up more and there isn’t a ton of video on the site for the game.

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    @theonewhoplays: Those would be my concerns as well. I really hope that show isn't representative of the direction of the game (I suspect not, but you never really know). And yeah, the first game was pretty much tied up, so it'll be interesting to see what they do. It's seems like it would be hard to iterate on a cult classic but coming out of this weekend, which I found pretty bland, I'm excited for this!

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    @atheistpreacher: I can’t think of a game that has ever successfully omitted fast travel.

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    The news is very existing to me a fan of the first games.

    I watched by some weird video I didn't see start which was an interview with Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, Daigo Ikeno, and Hideaki Itsuno; there were some insightful tid0bit about what their thinking was, insspirtaions, etc. I don't recall how ist popped up on my screen with the news of DD2, but ist was very nice.

    I really hope the next game is the same single player with online pawns system. I had some much fun making and trading pawns. That look and feel of the first games as great - a little clunky and the story dips out for the middle - but still a great game.

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    Yes! I have been ready for 6 years now.

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    So I was slightly late to the party and didn't play until Dark Arisen finally launched on Steam in 2016. Then I played nothing else for an entire month. Like many other I loved the unique combat system it had at the time, scaling giant monsters just feels very epic. Also was a big fan of the way it let you build your character by switching vocations and of course the pawn system. The DLC area and its threatening end game monsters I still remember well to this day, hopefully there will be more of that!

    While they could do away with some tedium of incessant NPC barks and maybe a mount to get around easier. I hoped they don't streamline things too much, because most of the quirks are what made it special.

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    I'm not ashamed to admit that I think the Pawn System in Dragon's Dogma is better than the Gambit System in Final Fantasy XII.

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    This is rad! Hopefully they fix the way damage is calculated.

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    Very excited for this, didn't think they'd ever make a sequel. The first game is great and criminally underrated imo.

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    Dragons Dogma is great. I've been fighting the good fight on these forums for ages, trying to get cultured, intelligent gamers to appreciate the majesty of the dogma.

    Please check out this BLOG POST if you are curious about playing Dragons Dogma.

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