What's the Greatest Video Game: X-COM 2 (War of the Chosen)

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Edited By imunbeatable80

This is an ongoing list where I attempt to play, complete, and then rank every video game in the known universe to determine whether it is the greatest game of all time.

I have alluded to this game in several other write-ups, including comparing it to recently completed games (Empire of Sin, Hard West), but I have never given the full write-up that the game deserves. Today we are going to discuss X-Com 2, however we are going to include the "War of the Chosen" DLC as in my opinion, the best way to experience X-Com 2, is with that DLC included. Throughout the write-up I will point out the changes "War" makes to the gameplay, and when the game is ranked I discuss where it would have fallen sans the DLC, but for ease of explanation we are talking about the pieces as a whole.

I stumbled upon the first X-com almost by accident. At the time I was, but a stupid adult with money to burn and the belief that I was going to start a watchable YouTube channel. I was basically buying every X360 game under the sun, partially to do a review series with, but also because I was obsessed with achievements. I was naïve and didn't know that the game was based off of any existing property, and had no clue what the game really entailed, but upon starting it I was enamored. It quickly became my most played game, I not only got all the achievements (not an easy feat), but played the game well past when there was anything left to accomplish. Normally this was not something I would do, I had a mountain of games to play, achievements to get, but I kept coming back to X-Com. Skip ahead, but when the 2nd one was released I was there on day 1 to download it to my shitty computer. Played it, enjoyed it, but it didn't become an obsession. Until "War of the Chosen" came out.

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For those that don't know, X-Com 2 is a turn based tactical strategy game, where part of the game is a psuedo base builder, and the other half takes place on a grid battlefield where you and the enemy take turns moving and attacking like you were playing a board game. The game is set after X-Com with the assumption that the aliens won that game and have taken over Earth. X-Com 2 starts with you, yes you, being rescued out of an alien base and being placed in charge of the resistance looking to take back Earth. As you progress through the game you start to realize that it turns out the aliens aren't as great as they said they would be, who would have thought?

Now despite myself being a plot connoisseur, the main plot is not the draw of the game. It follows a pretty basic approach and the "twists" aren't all that surprising. You start the game off playing as the resistance, so there wasn't going to be a major twist that shows the aliens truly were good people and you apologize for hurting them. No, everyone suspects they are doing shady shit, you find out that they are doing shady shit, and then show the whole world that they are doing shady shit (wipes hands clean). The real draw to this game is the moment to moment action, as well as the personal stories you craft during your playthrough.

I will admit that I am not normally someone who can craft these gameplay specific stories if the game isn't pointing me in that direction. X-Com 2 changed that in me. Part of the reason of the change is that X-Com 2 has an actual character creator for your soldiers. In the 360 version, you could edit soldiers in each playthrough, but customization was limited, and you had to have the soldiers in your game first. In 2, there is a whole separate menu that you can go into that allows you to create an entire roster of characters that then COULD end up in your game as you play through the game. This was a small tweak that had a huge impact on me. It allowed me to essentially develop a roster ahead of time that I could realistically carry into 5 different campaigns, with part of the fun seeing if and when these characters show up. Would I start off with the character I created based of me, or would I be a reward for a mission? Would this playthrough be focused on a rag-tag group of my friends, or would it include prominent video game characters? I created probably 30 unique soldiers, designated some that could show up as enemies, or scientists, and then each time I started the game it was a fun unique twist to see what would happen.

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The game (with the addition of WotC) includes new unique narrative hooks that allow you to have these personal stories. X-Com 2 steals a little from Fire Emblem by introducing a compatibility rating between soldiers that fight together. Have two soldiers fight together enough and they can develop a bond that allows for unique bonuses that only they share, as well earn nicknames. Keep them together and they can increase their bond through research and become a great pair of soldiers, but should one of them die, the surviving one can become a liability. All of this stuff is just on the fringes and not even something the game focuses on (because it is optional DLC), but you can't help but have stories when there are these mechanics behind the scenes. It may not be the same in Fire Emblem where you are romancing these characters to have offspring, but you can get attached to these characters all the same based on how well they perform.

While we are discussing it, WotC adds in a new wrinkle that I think is fantastic, which actually adds a fatigue meter to your soldiers. This forces the player to not always just select the same 5-6 soldiers for every battle, because if you send out soldiers who are fatigued they suffer aim penalties, movement penalties, or other issues that make them less effective. Continue to push them too hard and they could get a permanent de-buff that follows them from mission to mission. It's just another wrinkle that you have to take into consideration when planning missions, if you always group your best together, then realistically they are always going to be fatigued at the same time. If the mission that comes up next is a tough one, you will be forced to beat it with the B team, which could get tricky.

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The basics of combat have not changed a lot from 1 to 2. You still operate on a grid, your characters still get two actions before its the alien's turns, and people will still complain about the percentage to hit. However, things around the edges have changed when it comes to combat. As the resistance you are no longer the ones protecting, but rather the ones who are out trying to sabotage alien resources. This allows you the element of surprise on your first encounter in missions, which can be a huge advantage if used correctly. Enemies will be out on patrol, and if you want, you can plant soldiers around the area and then trigger an ambush that might wipe out all the patrolling aliens before they get a turn, which is hugely satisfying. The other big change is that the mission structure for individual missions usually have timers associated with them. At first I was not a fan of this, as I was someone who used to creep forward and go into overwatch, but I came around on this method as a way to get the action moving sooner rather than later. In most missions you can no longer just sit back in perfect cover and wait for enemies to come find you, you have to push the action. That can mean that you might make some stupid moves, but that is where the game shines. X-Com 2 is not about a power fantasy, it is about adapting to the moment, and how you used your cunning and skill to get through encounters. I never intend to screw up, but running a soldier up to far, or getting spotted by a patrol, is what makes the game so captivating. Now don't get me wrong, it feels great to pull off a perfect mission, but there are highs you get when you are backed in a corner and still manage to come through. These moments help tell that personal story of your soldiers. I don't want to hear how you save scummed to beat a mission without getting hit, no, I want to hear about how you finished the mission after losing your best sniper, or how one of your new recruits pulled off some amazing heroics by getting a crit on an enemy that was about to kill someone. Honestly it isn't fun to watch people who are too good at this game, because there is no concern on whether they will make it out alive, I want the people two rungs below that, who understand all the intricacies of the game, but aren't quite sure how to pull it together.

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I implore you, dear reader, do not save scum. The game is better when you lose characters, the game is better when you make mistakes or the computer gets lucky. I have watched the avatar named after myself and my wife die in different battles, and I was left to play as no name characters (well computer generated names) and it was more fun to have those stories to tell, then to start the mission over so I wouldn't have to deal with hardships.

This is getting long in the tooth, but there are two things I still have to talk about, and the first is obviously the Chosen themselves and what they bring to the table. For those unaware, the Chosen are 3 head-bosses that are introduced as menaces to your team. They possess the ability to appear in any mission, and they have unique talents that make them a handful to deal with. They usually have more health, act more often, and depending on when they appear can force you to decide between completing a mission objective or trying to fight off the chosen. There is nothing more stressful then learning a chosen is appearing in your mission, because regardless of which chosen, you know that mission will now be harder than it was going to be initially. However, that panic, makes doing smaller missions more menacing and risky, and who you take out on missions all the more important. Outside of combat the Chosen will do all sorts of things, from trying to counter your money flow, to launching attacks on your outposts. Leave a chosen alive long enough and they will be even more powerful and make your life a bigger hell.

The chosen actually come with the biggest negative I have about the game, and that is it's late game. In short there is the "Avatar project" which is essentially the doomsday clock of your game. If that clock fills up, you lose, and you are constantly trying to keep it down until you can win the game. In OG X-Com 2, that is a fine approach to the end game, but with WotC, that issue still exists, but it is no longer the big issue at hand. Instead you are focused on the Chosen and clearing them off the map because they are an ever present threat that is more potent then the doomsday clock. When you do finally win and clear them off the map, you might feel that the rest of the game is a letdown, because it seems to have lost its punch. Missions won't come with the same risk, your characters will roughly be leveled up by then, and you are just going through the motions until you can finish the game. There is something amazing about the pressure and adrenaline that you get from these bosses, that you can't help but feel empty when they are gone.

I could continue talking X-Com 2 for a long time.. I didn't really discuss base building and how important each section is for your playthrough or my favorite level type when a UFO shoots you out of the air and you are forced to defend the ship, but the beauty about X-Com 2 is it's replay-ability. One of the biggest hang-ups I had about Empire of Sin is that I felt I would not be able to replay it because the game will always play out the same. Sure I could be a different leader, but ultimately I would build my empire the same way, and hire roughly the same gangsters until I ran the rest out of town. With X-Com 2 I can replay it minutes after finishing the game and have a unique experience. If you created a big roster, you could end up with different characters, you could build your base up in a different way. In combat perhaps you lose a good character early, or you aren't blessed with any good snipers and have to make do with a battalion of Grenadiers. Maybe you go down a different research path, or bring in more characters from different gangs (oh yeah there are three gangs, including ex advent). While the game is of course the same, your experience and stories will be different and that is something that I feel other games want to have but don't always nail it down.

There will always be detractors to this game, because it had a really rough launch, and while I can't argue with their experience I will say that I think this game has a permanent stain on it because of that launch. I will say that if you played it at launch and quit because of the bugs or were soured on that experience, I would encourage you to give it another shot. Its still not perfect and I think some of the loading times are rough, but there are very few games that I have as much or more fun with every-time I fire it up.

Is this game the Greatest game of all time: No

Where does it rank: This is the 3rd greatest game of all time, behind Yakuza 0 and Mega Man 2. It is right above Katamari, but it was close. If I had to score it without the DLC it is probably number 8 right below Super Spike V-ball. For the sake of the list, I am only recording it with DLC

Up Next: Kickle Cubicle (NES)

Anyone looking for it: here is the link to the list and more if you are interested in following along with me (this is not a self promotion). Here

Thanks for listening.

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Cool write-up and those are some wild swings in your list.

First game was decent and the sequel was definitely an improvement.

I have weird taste so a couple things soured the game for me even if I did persist long enough to kill 2 of the chosen:

  • I actually like the overworld and base building with multiple bases from the old games and Xenonauts so I wish they would have spent some of the effort for WoTC on that instead of longish boss levels
  • too many different one/two-shot enemies like the cobras were a major pain and did make me save-scum too much for my own good
  • something about the art style rubs me the wrong way (don't think I tried the soldier editor you mentioned but I did customize armor, tatoos and haircuts for the amusing vignettes); might be the bulky GI Joe torsos for practically every soldier regardless of gender or the slightly westernized anime style of everything

Overall I don't regret playing it but can't help feel bittersweet about the not quite perfect experience of a sequel.

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@thesquarepear: Thanks for the read.. i would be curious as to your thoughts about the list as a whole..

i think besides some minimal upgrades wotc didnt change base building at all, and i would have also liked that expanded, but overall im happy with all they included. The long boss fights can be rough especially if you do them too close together, and i would have liked to see them differntiate between each chosen so they felt more unique and catered to each bosses strength more.

In all, i know that this game for me will be higher on a list than probably 90-95% of other people, but its a game i adore and can literally fire it up at any time and enjoy.. but i dont fault anyone who bounces off it or doesnt see it the same way.

To me its a step in the right direction and makes me excited for a 3 if they keep growing.. chimera squad was decent but didnt excite me like wotc did.

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Nice writeup. I loved the first X-Com but I never picked up the second because

a) Everyone says it is very hard and I found it intimidating

b) I knew it would take over my life like the first one if I picked it up.

Now I'm tempted to grab it for Switch. It's gonna be hard to stop myself from save-scumming, as I did all the way through X-Com 1, but I can see where it would make things more interesting. I just hate the idea of screwing up hours of progress with one unlucky move. I kinda wish it were more of a roguelike with a shorter campaign so that losing wouldn't be so painful.

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@wollywoo: Do it!.. so i think people say it is more difficult because missions make you move at a quicker pace than x-com 1 and its a bit of a shock coming from the strategies you might have used in the first game.

In terms of save scumming, i understand the desire, but assuming you dont lose an entire squad i always felt you can come back from 1 or 2 soldiers lost even if they are your best ones. In xcom 2 there are a lot of opportunities to unlock soldiers that are ranked up so you dont always have to start at the bottom.

If you get a switch version, let me know how it plays.. i have the ps4 and pc version.. but if the switch plays even halfway decent i would buy it again in order to have a portable version

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#5 chaser324  Moderator

It's been a while since you hit a legit #1 contender, but this is one in my opinion - can't really fault you for putting Y0 and MM2 above it though. I know this game wasn't all that popular with the GB staff, but XCOM 2 was a great game and War of the Chosen made it even better.

You hit upon it, but the narrative hooks along with all of the factions and more unique units/classes really elevated this game by allowing you to craft a more interesting personal story over the course of your campaign. Hopefully an eventual XCOM 3 will pick up right where this game leaves off, and I wouldn't mind if it sprinkled in a few ideas from Chimera Squad as well.

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#6  Edited By jeremyf

I first played XCOM 2 through Playstation Plus a few years ago... I got a few hours in before restarting and finishing a campaign on my shitty pc, then another for War of the Chosen, and finally Chimera Squad last year. I love the formula a lot, as evidenced by the hour count of such a thing. However, my playthroughs were modded to get rid of the turn timer and add some other improvements. Now that I have a good computer, I'm looking forward to what inevitability comes next from the series. Although, in my opinion, Katamari is closer to being The Best Game of Alll Time.

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I forgot how dope WotC was for XCOM 2. I follow a youtuber who has been going crazy with mods, playing as Imperials from Star Wars and fighting against Mass Effect and Warhammer 40k factions. I need to reinstall this again sometime.

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@chaser324: i agree.. on a personal note, xcom-2 is maybe my "favorite" game i played, but i also know its probably not "the best." There is so much depth to what wotc brings to the table, outside of just the headbosses.. hell i remember how amazed i was when one of my soldiers got kidnapped during a mission, it was a blast to go after them.. whenever they decide to do x3, ill be there day one.

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@jeremyf: Lol i was there with you. The first time i played i removed the timers because it seemed like such an affront to how i played those games, it wasnt until i played on playstation and again on pc with wotc that i played through with them back on. Perhaps they made adjustments to make them less restrictive, but i prefer them on now, because it forces me to push more and take a few more risks that add to my enjoyment, instead of creeping up 1 to 2 squares at a time.

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@heelbill: i havent explored more recent mods.. and since wotc havent really looked into them. Are there any good ones that change gameplay significantly or mainly just skins?

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I haven't looked recently either other than watching people play with weird mods. I am pretty sure you can get different characters classes with more in depth skill trees.

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#12  Edited By wollywoo

@imunbeatable80 said:

@wollywoo: Do it!.. so i think people say it is more difficult because missions make you move at a quicker pace than x-com 1 and its a bit of a shock coming from the strategies you might have used in the first game.

In terms of save scumming, i understand the desire, but assuming you dont lose an entire squad i always felt you can come back from 1 or 2 soldiers lost even if they are your best ones. In xcom 2 there are a lot of opportunities to unlock soldiers that are ranked up so you dont always have to start at the bottom.

If you get a switch version, let me know how it plays.. i have the ps4 and pc version.. but if the switch plays even halfway decent i would buy it again in order to have a portable version

Well, I got the Switch version and did a play through of XCom 2 + DLC, but not War of the Chosen (yet). Amazingly, it was on sale for $15 at the time, and that's a crazy deal for the amount of content here considering it includes the expansion. It's good! It runs OK. It's framey and choppy at times, but since it's a turn-based game, this doesn't hurt the experience much.

I have to say, the worries I had about difficulty weren't really warranted. (the worry about it taking over my life **was** warranted.) I really did not mind the time limit missions at all - they're only about half the missions or so and the time limits are very generous IMO. It really didn't change how I played much other than giving me a slight kick in the butt to move a bit faster. I played it on Veteran, and it wasn't as challenging as I expected - other than the Ruler fights which could be frustrating. In fact, in the last mission I was almost disappointed at how easy it was - I didn't lose a single man and in fact hardly took any damage. Granted, I did save scum a bit when necessary, but not at all on the final mission.

The story is a lot of hot nonsense. The whole X-Files-like atmosphere is gone. The tone now is tense, but also kinda wacky, with a lot of crazy enemy types that seem like they belong in Bayonetta or something. The dystopian nature of the setting is at odds with the gameplay - like, if those aliens took over the whole world how is it that I can take down their bases with 5 or 6 guys with big guns? But I didn't have much of a desire for a strong story in this kind of game - it's really all about the tactics. So who cares? It does the job and it adds some fun flavor. I'd much rather they go all-out with crazy, interesting ideas rather than be hampered by story/setting limitations.

It's quite fun! I really enjoy the concealment mechanic and the cool new abilities and enemies. I'm looking forward to trying War of the Chosen now that I have a better idea of the mechanics. I'll probably check it out after spending some time with Psychonauts 2.

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@wollywoo: I'm glad to hear it holds up on switch.. I might have to look for a sale to pick it up again as well.

Yeah, the story is bleh, but you come to make your own stories or just play for the tactics. I'm excited for the super hero xcom now.

When you get around to the war of the chosen, I think you will really like it.

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I liked X-Com 2 a lot, but to me it wasn't anything amazing. Just a good, perhaps slightly disappointing sequel. But the War of the Chosen expansion put it as one of my top games of the decade. They didn't completely reinvent it, but what they did I absolutely loved. Such an amazing expansion and game.

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After watching almost but not quite half of Waypoint's X-Com 2 playthrough so far, I've come to the conclusion that X-Com 2 is the game with the highest ratio of "love to watch:don't like to play" of any game I know.

The "don't like" isn't quite as high since I have played about 10 hours or so, and rather enjoyed it (on average) and then stopped. But this also allows "love to watch" to increase in turn, since I understand the broad mechanics and nuances of the game so it's easier to enjoy while watching.

Usually, watching someone play a video game invariably makes me want to play it, too; but thankfully for my own sake, Austin's LP has moments sprinkled conveniently throughout - such as moving to a completely unmarked space during stealth mode, before being spotted by someone you TOTALLY had sight on - that remind me "Oh, right. My mental health can't handle stuff like that." The moments that in actual play would elicit unhealthy frustration, are gut-wrenching moments of empathy while watching an LP.

To be clear: X-Com 2 (and especially WOTC, which Austin and Rob are playing) rules. I'm not joking when I say I'm enjoying the LP as much as Better Call Saul, which I'm also working my way through. X-Com, ever since the *old* days, has always had a thing it was unapologetically going for; even if that "thing" has changed slightly since the shift to the modern games, I appreciate what it is and what it wants to deliver. That "thing" makes playing it all the more enjoyable... if you're into it. It's just that if this was a relationship between me and X-Com, it would be a classic case of "I love you... but we're toxic together. We both deserve someone better. I deserve someone that doesn't make me worried about the condition of my controller after we have an argument. You deserve someone who can laugh along with you when they miss a 92% shot chance."

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The rumors are true: WotC dlc GREATLY improves the quality of Xcom 2 and really is the best way to play the game. I remember being so let down playing base xcom 2 after all the hours I put into 1. I put the game down and never looked back. Then during a sale, got WotC on a whim after hearing how good it was. Wanting to love xcom 2 more, I decided to get it. Now I pretty much come back to xcom 2 once every other month.