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The Full Fisticuffs Folio (+ Some Supplementary Scrublords)

The second of my lists themed around the output of the Super Best Friends Zaibatsu, the Friday Night Fisticuffs and the Saturday Morning Scrublords are a singular weekly feature (one's a dark mirror of the other) where the group gets together to play a few rounds of a fighter game or two, "winner stays on" style. While they began the feature with some obvious favorites and recent releases, recently the show's been digging deep for obscurities. It's gotten weird, and disturbing.

As such, while this list is to summarize the full list of games played on the feature for anyone who might be interested in watching a group of fighter game experts (?) play some off-the-beaten-path shit, it's also there to remind me to go back and check these wiki pages are up to snuff.

(Full list of videos can be viewed here. I've also included the featured games from Matt and Woolie's earlier Scrublords series at the start, which can be viewed here.) (Work in Progress.)

List items

  • (Scrublords) The Double Dragon fighter based on the cartoon. There's another further down based on the movie. If I had to choose between that cartoon and that movie, I think I'd go for "getting punched in the gut like Marian" as a secret third option.

  • (Scrublords) Kids, if someone asks you to become a Kabuki Warrior, just say "Noh."

  • (Scrublords) Come now, we can be super best friends!

  • (Scrublords) I have since updated this page as part of my SNES/SFC project. It's actually one of many, many Sailor Moon fighters. You'd think a show about friendship and tuxedo masks would be less violent.

  • (Scrublords) Let Shaq tell you how his Ashura Senku tastes.

  • (Scrublords) Bet you didn't know there was a terrible Fight Club licensed game, huh? Well, don't beat yourself up over it.

  • (Scrublords) If you find yourself playing this game, make like the Greeks and exit as soon as possible. Topical humor!

  • (Scrublords) What the other Mortal Kombat guy made after Mortal Kombat. It's very similar to Mortal Kombat.

  • (Scrublords) About as much as meets the eye, really. That's N64 blur-o-vision for you.

  • (Scrublords) I mean, sure, why not. Sega's already tried putting Sonic in every other genre to see if anything can save the rodent.

  • (Scrublords) The X-Men crossed dimensions in this GameCube fighter, but there isn't a dimension where Cyclops doesn't suck.

  • (Scrublords) Hard to pronounce, harder to recommend. May the salt be with you.

  • (Scrublords) Lang and Keits troll the FGC hard with an expensive practical joke that is also the most tactical fighter ever made.

  • (FNF) Garou already means wolf, so I don't know what this Fatal Fury: The Next Generation fighter is going for title-wise.

  • (FNF) Oddly enough, they only play the Vanilla version on Fisticuffs. Purists, or are they as confused about the sixteen different versions as non-fans are?

  • (FNF) You don't tend to see fighter games that are more complex than the RPGs they're based on, but if you're going to improve Chie (impossible) it's by giving her more gauges and supers.

  • (FNF) Apparently this is the one with Link in it. AND Heihachi and Spawn. Kind of telling they're all over this cover art instead of such memorable Soul Calibur characters like Bondage Weirdo and Whipsword Boob Lady.

  • (FNF) The newest Soul Calibur. Missed a trick not calling it Soul Calibvr.

  • (FNF) The Dreamcast/PS1 fighter, HD-ified for a new generation to enjoy. If they can figure out what the anime's about. Something about Stands and REO Speedwagon.

  • (FNF) The slightly more recent JJBA fighter, generally not as well regarded but still full of the anime's trademark insanity. You thought this was a fighter game list, but it was me, DIO!

  • (FNF) A SNES page that I've already checked out, so that's a relief. TMNTTF is a serviceable 16-bit fighter (that kinda sounds like a muffled hostage talking when you initialize it like that), though they sure dug deep for some of those characters.

  • (FNF) And a SNES page that I've yet to work on. 1996, huh? That's going to take a while to get to. Gundam anime talk is entirely impenetrable to me.

  • (FNF) Tekken pokes more fun at itself than usual with these Tag Tournament games.

  • (FNF) The Zaibatsu loves Skullgirls. This little Indie fighter certainly earned some kudos from the serious fighter fans.

  • (FNF) "The official Animorphs game."

  • (FNF) SNK's follow-up, of sorts, to Samurai Shodown. The Japanese title is Bakumatsu Rouman Dainimaku: Gekka no Kenshi: Tsuki ni Saku Hana, Chiri Yuku Hana. Catchy.

  • (FNF) SNK's samurai slash-em-up - and its missing W - is legendary. When it comes to camaraderie, the Zaibatsu gets on like a house on fire.

  • (FNF) Don't even ask me about KOF or what the eleventh one offers over its predecessors. I should've remembered before starting this list that I don't know a thing about fighters.

  • (FNF) Two more than the last one. Speaking of which, this might be the last KOF ever? Probably not? I mean, why stop at thirteen?

  • (FNF) The only recent DC Comics licensed media product that's worth two damns. Well, excepting the Arkham games.

  • (FNF) Welcome to triumph or die with this Capcom X-Men fighter. This would be a trial run for the better known Capcom vs Marvel series. Cyclops still sucks.

  • (FNF) Likewise, more Capcom tweaking of the X-Men (and their foes) as fighter game characters before unleashing Tron Bonne and Phoenix Wright on them.

  • (FNF) The instantly recognizable globally-famous characters of the Tatsunoko production company's many years of tokusatsu, anime and kaiju TV shows face off against some... I dunno, a bunch of Capcom characters. Who knows or cares about them?

  • (FNF) The game that spawned a Zaibatsu catchphrase that spawned a meme that spawned a T-shirt. That's how these things tend to go. I've played this one - the rules, as I understand them, are the same as hackysack: you simply need to keep your target in the air as long as possible without letting it fall (or move, or do anything).

  • (FNF) 3rd Strike appears to be the Street Fighter fan's Street Fighter. Myself, I won't play a Street Fighter unless it has Skullomania in it. Sort it out, Arika and Capcom.

  • (FNF) People rag on Sonic because he's an easy target but no-ones like to acknowledge that the Turtles have tried to reinvent themselves so many times and never seem to get anywhere too.

  • (FNF) "So Fame Douglas decided to start a fighting game tournament, and..."

  • (FNF) A PS2/Arcade Fist of the North Star game. Maybe I've been spending too long working on wiki pages for Famicom and Super Famicom games, but I couldn't even conceive for one second that there might actually be a good Hokuto no Ken game out there.

  • (FNF) Virtua Fighter just wasn't the same once the characters began to look like real people instead of Minecraft avatars.

  • (FNF) I remember thinking back in 2011: Mortal Kombat is actually good again? Get outta here. And also, get over here.

  • (FNF) The two fighter game giants collide once again with Mark of the Millennium. All I remember about this game is that Capcom really stacked the deck with, like, 95% Street Fighter characters and maybe Morrigan and one Rival Schools guy. No time for joking around with Zero and Amaterasu when you're facing SNK I guess.

  • (FNF) Nidhogg! The endless race to be wyrmfood still counts as a fighter game, absolutely. People tear out spines and use them as swords all the time in Mortal Kombat.

  • (FNF) I've got "Animated Broomstick" next credit. No picking Chernobog this time.

  • (FNF) The very first UFC game. The DC version's the one to go for if I understand correctly.

  • (FNF) I mentioned the Double Dragon fighter game based on the movie earlier. It's this one. I don't remember Burnov being in that movie, but then I've blocked most of it out.

  • (FNF) Chie's favorite Neo Geo fighter, probably.

  • (FNF) Actually a pretty brutal DC mech fighter, and nothing to do whatsoever with pictures of people having sex with cars on the internet. GIS still insists on the latter though.

  • (FNF) I was introduced to Cyberbots through Project X Zone's Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX, whose special attack summons a dozen different mechs from various Capcom mech fighters. I think that game might've been too fanservicey for even me to follow.

  • (FNF) SunSoft wasn't really known as a fighter powerhouse, but given everyone was making fighter games in the mid-90s they probably felt they had to jump in too. Interplanetary rumbles abound in this sci-fi fighter.

  • (FNF) This is SunSoft's other big fighter. A goofy DBZ parody that exhibits more of the off-beat Japanese charm for which the developer is best known. I checked, there isn't a Waku Waku 1-6.

  • (FNF) A fan-game that pits together the biggest, baddest horror movie monsters from the past forty years. Jason A-Striker's favorite fighter, probably.

  • (FNF) Coupled with Terrordrome is Capcom's own take on things that go down-forward-fierce in the night.

  • (FNF) The first in a Smash marathon. It doesn't count as a fighter because I found it fun.

  • (FNF) Still the serious Smash Bros contender's favorite. Why are there serious Smash Bros contenders?

  • (FNF) I need to go back and finish my sticker collection for this.

  • (FNF) I think I jumped the gun getting the 3DS version instead of the Wii U one. That's exactly how they planned it, releasing that one first. Either that, or they're dedicated to making sure the Wii U fails.

  • (FNF) Can I use my triumph or die joke again? I can't give it up!

  • (SMS) The first of the Saturday Night Scrublords, the Zaibatsu challenge each other with construction vehicles.

  • (FNF) Guilty Gear titles are just getting more and more ab-xrd.

  • (FNF) It's one slice, one kill in Light Weight's thoughtful samurai game. I approve of any fighter game that's over in seconds.

  • (FNF) They gave some of the characters guns in this one, which strikes me as a little unfair when one hit can kill. This ain't "Bushido Bullet", cheater.

  • (SMS) Before they just folded the Final Fight team into the Street Fighter games, they got their own standalone fighter. The developers would later go on to produce Final Fight: Streetwise, which is in many ways the definitive Final Fight product.

  • (SMS) Fictional TV characters spar with deadly moves and even deadlier voice acting. if localized dialogue could kill...

  • (FNF) You know how good an anime fighter is by how loquacious and nonsensical its title is. It's science.

  • (FNF) Would be notable for its all-female cast, except most anime fighter series have those these days.

  • (FNF) More anime shounen-igans from the Melty Blood people.

  • (SMS) The impact of Mortal Kombat 9, I feel, was greatly enhanced by the fact that this was its predecessor. An analogy would be eating a steak dinner after a lunch consisting of a piece of corrugated cardboard with mayo scraped across it.

  • (SMS) I blame Quake for all this gothy sci-fi shit in the mid 90s. Well, yeah, Todd McFarlane too.

  • (SMS) What can I say about this that hasn't already been said by the Time Trotters?

  • (SMS) A retelling of Fatal Fury's origin story, just more terrible.

  • (FNF) This was part of a mech week the Zaibatsu had going on. It's the less-good sequel to the DC mech classic.

  • (FNF) Yet another SNES page I've yet to get to. While it looks like it might be an Assault Suits game from Japan, like Cybernator, it was actually developed and published solely in the US by LucasArts.

  • (FNF) Lethal League is some serious business. See if you can break the speed of light with that baseball.

  • (FNF) Gang Beasts is some less serious business. Or it might be the most serious fighter game ever developed. Whichever it is, there isn't a stream of it that exists that isn't fun to watch.

  • (SMS) Squaresoft's experimental 3D fighter with its own RPG mode wouldn't really hit its stride until the sequel. Those are certainly some Toriyama designs though.

  • (FNF) MKX didn't disappoint even with the high bar set by the last game. Well, unless you have the PC version.

  • (SMS) Avengers 2 just came out, so the Zaibatsu tucked into some Avengers fighters. This one's some motion control nonsense.

  • (SMS) This one's marginally better, though half the cast are Kree nobodies.

  • (SMS) A.k.a. King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2. I have no idea what the gateway is to the King of Fighters megaverse, so I remain blissfully unaware of anything that might be going on with this series.

  • (FNF) Like an insane over-the-top version of International Karate+. Begins the Zaibatsu's quest through the back catalog of MAME.

  • (FNF) An early Sega Arcade fighter inspired by Street Fighter 2 and holograms, which are two of the most early 90s things I can think of. All it needed was Captain Planet and pogs.

  • (FNF) Ostensibly a one-on-one basketball game, it plays a lot more like a fighter. Just, you know, with a hoop. Just goes to show that occasionally some good can come out of the morass that is the Simple [number] series of the most budgety of budget Japanese games.

  • (FNF) The sequel to SNK's near-future fighter Savage Reign and clearly one of their more obscure properties. Seems neat though, and one of the earliest to adopt a tag-in team system.

  • (FNF) There are more SNK fighters than there are stars in the sky. Which reminds me, have they ever made a fighter game where constellations fight each other?

  • (SMS) It is thought that every fighter game is inspired by Street Fighter 2 to some extent, especially the early ones, so the question becomes "just how much do they borrow from Capcom's trailblazer?". Super Fighter falls somewhere between "clone" and "lawsuit".

  • (SMS) Rorie only jokes about chomping puppies. The reality is too much to bear. A dino's gotta eat.

  • (SMS) Less Jurassic Park, more One Million Years BC, this early Arcade dinosaur fighter is truly something to behold. Unless you're a paleontologist, in which case it'll give you nightmares for weeks.

  • (FNF) Anime fighters aren't all teenager waifus. Sometimes they're burly men throwing punches that hit like freight trains. The titles are still as nonsensical though; there's gotta be some consistency.

  • (FNF) The Zaibatsu loves this Indie take on Smash Bros, but love the name even more. It took this long for someone to come up with "Brawlhalla"?

  • (FNF) You probably didn't know there was a Rise of the Robots 2. Actually, that's not fair, you probably did know about it. You probably don't know why it exists after the reception the first one received, however. That makes two of us.

  • (FNF) The robots in this game have legs, that can't be right.

  • (FNF) Catack on Attaclysm is an attempt to make a modern day 90s SNK fighter. Given all the other 90s nostalgia Kickstarters going on, it's inevitable enough. That UI though.

  • (SMS) A SNES fighter with an all-female cast. Surprisingly common, as I've been discovering. Not a one of them is called "Wai Fu" though.

  • (FNF) Everyone seems to adore S-Kill's new online mech fighter. It was briefly the hottest thing in online gaming until rocket cars playing soccer came along.

  • (SMS) A game so bad I'm fairly sure they played it for a bet. It's based on WW2, sorta, but just completely nuts and broken. It's no Dong Dong Never Die: the most balanced of fighters.

  • (SMS) This game had a secret unlockable multiplayer mode? The mysteries of the Matrix never cease to amaze. It's also terrible (until the cars, honestly), but then why would they feel the need to hide it if that were not the case?

  • (FNF) An Indie platformer-brawler conceived by serious Smash Bros fighter fans. Would explain why the game doesn't have items and the characters are all animal anthros. Serious Smash Bros fighter fans weird me out.

  • (FNF) Yomi is the art of reading the mind of one's opponent. With cards. So it's like that scene with Venkman and the college kids at the start of Ghostbusters?

  • (FNF) The Best Friends enter the Lang Zone for this second season of ultra combos and moving to the killer groove. I haven't been following the KI Season 2 announcements but it's just a bunch of Divekick characters and Johnny Gat, right?

  • (SMS, but they meant FNF) Well, those assholes finally went and did it. More than an hour of keeping Dong Dong alive, fully exploring every nook and cranny of this inexplicable Chinese bootleg love letter to the fighter genre. In a happy coincidence, we reached 100 items on this list (and thus the limit for ordered lists) at the same time that the Zaibatsu reached fighter game nirvana. It can now be retired, as there are no more scrubs to conquer.