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My Favorite Games of All Time (1-100)

I'll be making a list of my favorite games of all time, based on time and place. Not just by if I would play them today, but considering the nostalgia and how much I loved/played them for the first time they were around. Will add games each time I come to a conclusion on the order for the next group of games. Hopefully one day I can reach 100.

I'm not saying I played every game that ever existed, that's might be the reason it isn't here. These are MY favorites.

(Year of release / console I played on / genre I would put)

List items

  • 2000 / PSOne / JRPG

    The last game in the series that was heavily influenced by Hironobu Sakaguchi, truly the FINAL fantasy written by the original creator. Going back to a fantasy setting.

    The game that came with my PS1, the first 3D RPG I've ever played. Probably the best characters I've ever seen in a video game, besides, after playing other games from the series, I was even more impressive how this one put a lot of memories together as well as great new things.

    The first couple of times I played, didn't manage to beat it, I was too young. Then a few years later came back, improved my English, and beat it. It was the best ending that I could imagine after so much childhood fun with these guys.

    This game made me fall in love with the turn-based battle system, becoming my go-to genre when looking for something to play. It made me want to beat all the great JRPG's that are out there.

    The game has a perfect balance between its deep character-driven emotional elements of the plot and its charming lovable humor. Which coupled with its intelligent and well-balanced gameplay system makes it one of the best the genre has to offer, and my absolute favorite.

  • 2004- / PC / MMORPG

    *Including expansions*

    WOW! Especially Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. Almost every friend I had played this game, every single day, everybody got home from school and went to wow. Hang out, do some sick world PvP on Outland. MMO was a big part of my friends' group for a lot of years, and wow was the best, perfected what the others tried, grabbing us all.

    After all these years we don't have the time to grind an MMO anymore, but the memories are there, and the game deserves more than just a shoutout.

  • 1995 / SNES / JRPG

    The idea of making Chrono Trigger started by a collaboration between three Japanese "giants" in the industry: Hironobu Sakaguchi (creator of Final Fantasy), Yuji Hori (creator of Dragon Quest) and Akira Toriyama (creator of Dragon Ball) had an event to attend in the US and they traveled together, where they shared the idea of making a game together. Just by this story, you must have a vision of how great this game could be, and they nailed it!

    I didn't own the game on my SNES, I eventually got it on my PS1. And recently went back to play it, now fully understanding English and trying to do 100% of the game. And it's just sensational, it's a masterpiece. The perfect entry point for anyone who wants to enter the JRPG genre.

    Memorable characters and one of the most iconic soundtracks of all time! Plus, the game is from 1995 and has 13 different endings, based on choices you can make. It's amazing to think about it.

    Another unique thing about Chrono Trigger is the skills system, where you keep feeling the incentive to try different party combos, because of the Dual and Triple Tech option. Where you can combine turns from 2 or 3 party members to do a stronger spell.

    The game puts an interesting twist on the real world's history, making some fantasy changes that are incredible to think about it. And each character has a unique personality, making you care for the ones you love. Also giving you the possibility of putting any trio together, you can just go with your favorites all the time.

    The pace is so well designed, changing from silly to serious moments. But never too silly neither too serious that could make some strange pacing, it's all so fluid.

    It's a perfect JRPG

  • 2000-12 / PC / FPS

    *Including all versions*

    Counter-Strike 1.5 and 1.6 started the whole Lan party thing in my hometown, which was so fun and popular for everybody around here. Nothing in the gaming world tops the feeling of adrenaline when you're at a LAN game with each team screaming at the end of each round. The game going back and forth, you trash-talking your friends.

    The balance of the game was perfect, you don't need to grind for loot, weapons or level. If you're good, you kill. If you aren't, you die. Making a love or hate kind of game. I was on the love side. Put around 3k hours of my life on it. And despite still loving CS:GO, it's not the same, it will never be the same.

  • 2007 / PC / Immersive-Sim

    The Bioshock series has the two most mind-blowing moments in gaming history, by far. It was incredible to play each of the 3 games for the first time, such a unique and remarkable experience. Deserves a try from every single gamer out there, can change someone's perspective of the entire video games universe.

    If you don't like FPS games, just put on easy and enjoy the experience.

    This game makes you think about every game you've played, how much you had control. Introduces you to Rapture, a place where the first reaction I had was: "How the devs thought about this kind of thing?". Having some characters that will never be forgotten, like Little Girls and Big Daddy's.

    A crazy universe with crazy people that provides a crazy and awesome experience.

  • 2017 / Wii U / Action-Adventure

    What can I say about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? It's the most freedom I've ever had in an open-world video game. It has so much thought to it, the change in the soundtrack compared to original Zelda games to a more subtle melody for the ambient. The gorgeous art style with a very simple design compared to other open-world games that came out before it, especially on other consoles and PC.

    This game goes for a very risky idea: to change the Zelda formula and make it an open-world game where you have to climb towers to unlock areas on the map. That didn't sound that great at first, but with a couple of added pieces, it changed everything, for the best.

    In Breath of the Wild, you can climb any wall that you see, outside shrines and dungeons (so that you don't break the puzzle design). You also have a glider that allows you to float in the air for a long time, spending your stamina for it. The stamina bar is something new for a Zelda game, it drains when you run, dodge, attack, climb or glide. And you can choose to upgrade it instead of your hearts, every time you complete 4 shrines.

    The game also changes the loop in the series from a traditional set of dungeons, each with a theme. To a more exploration-based gameplay loop, that includes only 4 very big dungeons. Plus 120 shrines that you can go into, to discover puzzles or a battle against a guardian, is what you need to do to upgrade Link.

    A big detail is that you can go directly to the final castle and beat the game, as the first thing you do. But that would make it really hard. A very fun idea that creates each playthrough different from one another.

    The most divisive thing in the game is the weapons, all of them break, and you need to keep grabbing the ones from the enemies you defeat to never run out of them. It Will force you to try all types of weapons and don't stay with the same one for a lot of time. I loved it.

  • 1999 / GBC / JRPG

    *Including HeartGold/SoulSilver/Crystal*

    Probably the time I was the farthest away from the real world was when my dad gave me a Game Boy Color with Pokemon Silver on it. I just couldn't do anything else, just walk around looking at my screen playing this game. And on the place I spent my summer, that I talked before, every single child on my block had and Game Boy Color and played Pokemon. It was the main subject, everybody encouraged to play more because someone else was in front of you.

    After finishing it a couple of times. The will to play more made go back and buy Pokemon Red, and soon after, upgrade to a Game Boy Advance with Pokemon Sapphire.

    But Silver was the start of it all, having the best pace of any Pokemon games, with two worlds and 16 gym leaders to defeat, plus the League in the middle. With the right amount of Pokemon for you to try to catch them all.

  • 2015-16 / PC / WRPG

    *Including DLC's*

    A game everyone who played was talking so greatly about and took me around a year and a half after release to finally play it. It was sensational. The story is so dense and with so much content on every part of the world. Everybody having a unique personality, it's kind of scary to think of how much work CD Projekt managed to put on the NPC's. The only thing I dislike about the game when I was playing it, especially comparing it to Witcher 2, was the combat, becoming easy and happening too many times. I find myself avoiding monsters in the world because I was like "oh, not these guys again", and just running with Roach.

    The thing that put the game over the ramp was how much they made us love Ciri, as well as playing the Blood and Wine DLC. I might argue that it's better than the main game, the combat gets harder and with increasing variety, you have a decent time between each combat through the story missions, which makes them exciting again. Just like it was in the second game of the series. The places you visited during the Blood and Wine DLC were so beautiful and colorful. The people were gorgeous and with so much to get involved. (How can you not love Anna Henrietta?)

    Geralt will be one of the most remarkable characters in gaming history when we look back a few years from now.

  • 1993 / SNES / Action-Platformer

    Not the first one I was able to beat. I remember playing it a lot but not going so far because the game was too hard for my age at the time. A few years later I had the Mega Man X5 on the PSOne and beat it, then I rented X4 and got to the last boss, without finishing it. Then my friend lands me X6 and I went pretty far on the little time I had. After that, I starting to go after another opportunity to play the first of the X series.

    When I finally had the chance to try it again, I was caught. Remembering every single level and why I got stuck as a child. Plus, this time I was playing on a Dualshock controller, following my friend's idea to put Dash on R2.

    That time I finally managed to beat it! The feeling of reaching a childhood goal was sensational. Plus that soundtrack, maybe my favorite soundtrack of all time.

    This system of beating a boss and learning the power with his type, combined with the armor parts you could unlock, was one of the most groundbreaking ideas I and my friends could ever imagine someone doing. Mega Man had so many good games, but this one was the best for me.

  • 1990 / SNES / Platformer

    One of the first games I remember playing in my life, probably the first on my SNES. The upgrade from the original Super Mario game was crazy at the time, so colorful and being able to play co-op (not both players at the same time) with Luigi was sensational.

    The process of replaying one of the first levels to perfect the mechanic of flying and never feeling satisfied is another thing that I remember. And of course, like every time in every game: hating the water level!

  • 2013 / PS3 / Survival-Horror

    *Including Left Behind*

    The Last of Us uses the post-apocalyptic setting and takes to new highs. It involves you with an absolutely amazing plot that should be experienced by every videogame fan out there.

    The game starts you with a banger of an intro, one of the best prologues in gaming history. Making you get involved without wasting any time. At first, I was weirded out by the fast forward but ended up being a plus overall. The traditional survival-horror atmosphere is here, you won’t have that much ammo to work with, you need to avoid making mistakes so you don’t run out of supplies, the scenarios are tight and dark, giving you some tense flashlight sections, as well as feeling the fear of just running forward without caution. The sound bites give you lots of scares as well; the game is perfectly designed on what it aims to present to you.

    I would say that my favorite thing about the game is the characters. The performance by the actors, the game follows the steps of Joel, a hard-headed man who lost a lot. Joel is introduced to Ellie, a young girl who only knows of this apocalyptic world. The two of them might have the best interactions I’ve seen in games, not just between them, but also when it comes to the side characters. The acting is top-notch, you can feel the emotions from them, the writing is basically perfect, aside from sometimes you not agree with what the characters say or do, but that’s what comes from any type of media. The arc of these characters is something to behold, what they go through, how they change, how they evolve. It’s just a masterpiece of work.

    I've written a full review of it in my profile.

  • 2018 / PS4 / Action-Adventure

    The new God of War for PS4 doesn't just change the formula but it puts itself on a higher level then anybody could expect it. The visuals in this game are just amazing, very polished graphics and maybe the best use of light I've seen in a game, with the prettiest metal you can imagine. Any source of energy it's also well designed, the enemies despite not having enough variety are well made also.

    The main change this game goes for, compared to the rest of the series, is its pace. The combat is really different, with the camera now being behind the shoulder, from a 3rd person perspective. It's slower and more methodical, making you choose wisely when to go in or to defend yourself, having to dodge and block for a lot of the fights, not just swing your weapons and smash the buttons. A change of pace also comes when you are walking around trying to see what to do next.

    Kratos is a different character from the first couple of games, he understands what he has done in the past and sometimes feels like protecting Atreas from becoming the person his father (Kratos himself) was in that past. Atreas has a really interesting character development throughout the game. Not my favorite for a few stretches, but it's nice to see so much depth to it. Kratos also has a lot of change through the game, seeing some things must be different and not always stuff will happen the way he intends, and it's hard to keep secrets.

    The game also introduces a new loot system, being very different from the PS2/PS3 predecessors, having a level on each gear and you being able to craft new ones or upgrade the ones you already have. A big skill tree also opens up for you, to unlock new abilities to improve your combat skill. You'll also be able to upgrade your weapons, Atreas's gear, and change/improve some other things. You'll also have more than one fight style, that you'll use throughout the game.

    Two of the best animations I've ever seen in a video game are on this one. The way Kratos open a wooden chest is just amazing, makes me smile every time I see it. But the even better one, is the Axe throwing animation, the feel of it returning to your hand, and always being true to the place it is, not always taking the same time. When you forget that your Axe is far behind it will take the right amount of time to come back to you. It's the best use of vibration on a controller you'll see, and the game has a vibration meter on the options, and the default is maxed out. You can feel it each time the Axe takes a spin, it's amazing.

    Another big thing about the Axe return is the sound it makes when you catch it. Oh god, the sound design in this game is superb. It feels so real and the right amount of loud. The soundtrack also has it's big moments, I'm a sucker for the type of epic music it plays. The presentation is well put together, one of the most incredible things is the fact that the game has no loading in it. You can beat the game on the same shot, there's no loading between doors or cinematics, it's all one take. The transition always feels amazing.

    The game even adds storytelling as an element to the in-game store where you'll craft your items and upgrade your gear. I'm not going to spoil it but it's clever. Also, every element of traveling or fast-traveling has a dialogue/purpose to it, feels very engaging and real. The icing on the cake are the plot twists and character introductions/development, the game will make you go crazy a couple of times, especially if you are a fan of the Nordic Mythology or the past God of War games. It's an almost perfect game, that everybody should play it.

  • 2007 / PC / FPS

    One of the most revolutionary games in history. The game introduced a lot of features that every shooter has in today's day and age. Followed Halo and got rid of the health bar with a health pack system, having regenerative health. Added the killstreak awards, that became the face of COD multiplayer since them. Plus the upgrade system, making you unlock something new every time you gained a level, or completed a challenge. Everybody was so addicted to playing more and more to get every weapon, skin, and aim.

    Also, people forget how impactful the campaign for this game was. Going for the first time to a modern-day scenario, having a decent story, and some polished gameplay with awesome graphics. One of the truly great ones.

  • 1997 / PSOne / JRPG

    Final Fantasy 7 was a game that I didn't get the chance to beat when it first came out. I never got out of the first disc, playing it on the PlayStation. I went back to it when the game came out on Steam. And some of my friends were like "oh, the game didn't age that well" and "you're not going to appreciate it playing it now". Well, even nearly 20 years later, it became my second favorite Final Fantasy.

    I love how long it takes for them to show Sephiroth, and how they build his bloodshed, and how powerful he is. While doing the best possible trick to present a character, with a "show don't tell" mechanic. Of you having him as a party member during the flashback moment, that just sets the tone as well as it's possible to do.

    The Materia system has some flaws, that I think could be better, making you value the Materia system more than the character themselves, but it doesn't ruin the experience and how good the cast of characters becomes through the game. Cid and Tifa became some of my favorite characters in all the Final Fantasy franchise.

    The game has some cool mini-game, as well as some greatly side quests that tell some impactful stories. The difficulty is low compared to some other games in the series, but I like how that turns into making you feel powerful, every time you stop to level for 15 minutes or get some new weapons.

  • 2018 / PS4 / Action-Adventure

    The second Red Dead Redemption might be the hardest game to talk about. Because it's so impressive, the production value, the dept, the performances, the game just looks amazing. But it doesn't have the best controls, or one of the best gameplay, while sometimes is too slow or repetitive. But still, the story of Arthur Morgan is one that will be remembered for the ages.

    I love how Rockstar made us feel that the story arc in the game is personal, they give some characters with big personalities, you'll probably finish the game having characters that you really love and some that you really hate. Not to mention that Arthur Morgan is one of the best protagonists of all-time, top 2 for me. Even tho the game makes it feel like each Arthur is different, your Arthur will not have the same clothes, hair, facial hair or make the same decisions as the Arthur I'm playing as would. And this feeling of the game being personal is what enhances it, and grabs you to stay put through a long journey.

    If you played the first Red Dead Redemption, you have an idea on how the story in this game is gonna pan out. But they cleverly still surprise the player. It was awesome to finally see the arcs of the famous characters from the Van der Linde gang that survived the bad days, as well as get introduced to a few new ones, that ended up being the most iconic in the game. I loved Charles, he's one of the best side characters ever. I didn't care that much for Sadie Adler, didn't like how over the top she was, with that voice of anger, but I can see many people loving her character. I'm not even gonna mention the characters I hate not to spoil it.

    It might be the deepest open world game ever made, there are so much detail and an incredible sense of atmosphere. You can create your own story just roaming around, you can find someone looking for help or maybe looking for trouble, and based on your decisions you go from there. Doing the story missions is just a small part of the RDR2 world. The soundtrack gives the game even more life, especially before some big thing is about to happen. And the game might have the best storms and the best animals I've ever seen in any video game.

    Despite its flaws, RDR2 is probably the most impressive game I've ever seen, with one of the best worlds to live in and have your own story, by your own paths and decisions, and I think the game will be remembered very fondly. As one of the best games ever, but a very divisive one, because not everybody has patience with some of its flaws.

  • 1996 / GB / JRPG

    *Including FireRed/LeafGreen/Yellow*

    The first generation will always have a special place in the hearts of Pokémon fans, and to me is no different. Even tho that my favorite Pokémon game will always be Silver, this was a revolutionary game for its time and started the trend for this popular series.

    Pokémon is such an easy game for anyone to pick up and play, it's almost unfair to consider a proper JRPG, because of its simplicity (not in a bad way).

    The thing that made people fall in love with the game, was seeing all the familiar faces at the start, you be able to choose between the tree traditional starters from Professor Oak, having your rival, it made people that went back to check out the game after seeing the anime feel like they knew what an awesome adventure was ahead of them.

  • 1996 / N64 / Platformer

    I'm just amazed by this game, how could they make an open world style game in 1996? It's incredible, the evolutions in the graphics department and with the controls, having the analog stick on the N64, was great.

    Most of the time, the 3D games from that era don't hold up, but that doesn't happen with this one. You can play this game today and see how great it is, so just imagine how great it was at the time. I only played a couple of hours at the time it came out, but recently went back to beat it and get as many stars as I could.

    Each time I play this game again I understand even more the people that say it's one of the most influential and well-made games of all time. And I completely agree.

    The camera wasn't bad for its time, and they managed to be so clever with the secrets around the levels and throughout the whole castle. The level design, making you replay each one a bunch of times so you can progress, without being not even close to boring, it is impressive, I'm not a big fan of replaying things, but this one won me over. It's so cool to fly in the 3D camera as well, it had a great sense of speed.

    The game introduced a few things by making Mario grab different caps throughout the game, that work as a Power-Up. We saw Metal Mario for the first time when you grabbed the Metal Cap, there was also the Vanish Cap and the Wing Cap. You could use cannons to shoot yourself to places you couldn't reach. You can do a wall jump, as well as having some tricks to do a double jump, a triple jump, a slide jump, to do a power stomp, some flips.

    The game made you do something different each time on the level, to earn a new star, a couple of times was something completely different from traditional platforming. We got something new when it comes to boss battles as well, and you don't see as many as in the other games. The music is amazing as well.

  • 2010 / XBOX 360 / Action-Adventure

    Red Dead Redemption creates a very believable world, where you take the place of John Marston, a former gang member who had a tough childhood and went on to make some bad decisions. He needs to cooperate with the government to make sure he clears his name and protect his family.

    The gameplay is basically Grand Theft Auto in an old western America, and I love me some GTA. But RDR had become my favorite Rockstar game at the time it came out, it has a unique setting and story, that most other open world games don't have.

    You'll meet some very unique characters, like Seth, Irish and a bunch more, you'll probably laugh out loud a couple of times and be in shock for the things you see. That's the type of thing video games need.

    Not every mission is completely fun, and the gameplay doesn't change much throughout the game. But it's, at least, good enough during all of it, improving on its predecessors, with some parts that are just remarkable.

    Play this game if you have the chance.

  • 2013 / PC / Immersive-Sim

    *Including DLC's*

    Maybe the most beautiful game I've played, with certainly one of the most adorable female characters from video games. This game was the perfect finish to what became my favorite trilogy in videogames history. Even better if you include the DLC's that the game has.

    Now, the city of Columbia. Oh my god, that place. It's just so well thought and perfectly design, with so much life for an FPS scenario. With such intriguing characters. (Especially that couple)

    And can only confirm 3 things: everybody should try the full trilogy with DLC's, this has the best ending ever and we all love Elizabeth.

  • 1994 / SNES / JRPG

    Final Fantasy 6 has the most number of playable characters in the series, with each one having a meaningful backstory, plus, the game doesn't really have a main protagonist. That was something that the developers wanted, making most of the characters equal to the importance of the party and having an emotional attachment with the player, and they succeeded.

    The game also has a diverse soundtrack that is considered a masterpiece, with a sensational contribution for a sense of atmosphere, making a powerful score.

    They managed to put together all the great things from the past games in the series, and make a well-crafted game to finish the 2D era, even taking up a notch on the storytelling and the visuals as high as possible for a SNES game.

    The game has one of the best opening sequences of all time in gaming. The story has such a great pace, and take some risks that really pay off. Hironobu Sakaguchi selected a few of his best colleges to help him write the characters, as you can tell by the diverse and in-depth plots.

    Another thing to point out is that FF6 has the best villain in the series, not being a god or some sort of crazy idea, unlike past games in the series. He is just like Joker from Batman if you gave him a cyberpunk universe.

    The game has amazing backgrounds, considering that the game is from 1994, it has to be one of the best looking games of all time. And the really well-designed gameplay, with the variation from the Magicites as well as each character having his personal skills and stats.

  • 2002-03 / PC / Strategy

    *Including 'The Frozen Throne'*

    I've spent so many hours on this! And when I started to link the whole Warcraft universe histories, was fantastic! When most of my friends loved to play Age of Empires 2, Age of Mythology and Starcraft. Warcraft 3 and Red Alert were my loved ones, I loved the map creator feature, making your own adventure, falling in love with Thrall and Jaina.

    The best part about it, was in the Summer, going to our summer vacation beach house, and joining the LAN houses where Warcraft 3 was the dominant game, making me fall in love for the competitive aspect, and playing a lot of LAN and Custom games(Despite not being very good at it).

    I hope Blizzard can manage to make more movies and cover this part of the story.

  • 2010 / PC / WRPG

    Mass Effect 2 feels like a very personal game, it makes you care about your crew members by having amazing dialogue options and writing, with so really great voice acting for a video game at its time.

    You start right after the end of the first game, and some things go wrong, making Shepard go into a coma for 2 years. When he wakes up, he discovers that the people who saved him are from Cerberus, which is an independent company that was kind of one of the bad guys in the first game. But they have a reason and try to convince him to join the cause. It's up to the player to decide how to move on from there.

    The game has the classic Bioware relationship system, basically changing from a good decision, a bad one, and one just in the middle. At least most of the time, making you improve your Paragon or Renegade rating, unlocking new conversation options, for better or worse, and changing the narrative based on your decisions. What Mass Effect 2 has above the other games in the sense that you can really get to know your crew members, you can just walk around the ship and talk to them, and those dialogues have a meaning, plus, can build relationships, including romance options.

    The change that enhances this the most is that you know have a loyalty mission for each of the characters you can recruit to your party. That boosts their relationship with you and can unlock new dialogue options, as well as new skills for you to unlock for them to use in battle. It has a very traditional RPG system, you go through the missions earning XP, level up, and using experience points can unlock/improve new abilities for you and your crew members. You have the option to either do it yourself or let the game auto-distribute these points.

    You can also customize load-outs, each character has a specialty, giving them a number of skills to choose from, but also, limiting the variety of weapons they are able to use. For instance, a Krogan who is a beefy heavy hitter will likely be able to use a shotgun and have good shield defenses, but a skinny Salarian scientist won't, he will have lighter weapons and offensive spells.

    The game makes you really value the resources you have. It has a system where you can go to a planet, scan it for resources and then drop pods on the locations with the most amount of material, so they can transfer that resource to your party. You will use those resources to upgrade weapons, armor, your ship, your party member's biotic powers, and things like that, in Normandy's lab.

    Mass Effect 2 is a powerful game, setting a high standard when it comes to storytelling for the middle of the trilogy game. It's remarkable, and the impact it puts on the player's decisions, having a lot of possible endings, it's just amazing to see it play out and be so well done. Even with the simple sound of a description of: "third-person cover-based shooter with heavy RPG elements". I can say the gameplay holds up, even to the story is the main thing, you'll definitely have lots of fun playing this game. It's a must-play for any RPG fan out there, the best game from Bioware, in my book.

  • 1992 / SNES / Racing

    The first Mario Kart started something that would develop into a very appealing concept to me during all my years playing games. They managed to put together all the characters from the Mario universe while creating a very fun and innovative kart racing game.

    It's one of the games that I played through all of it the most, beating all the Grand Prix. But the icing on the cake was the competitiveness of it. When my friends came to my house and we played Mario Kart together, especially the battle stages.

    I played all the games in the series after this one, but the first game always has a place in my heart for the originality.

  • 1995 / SNES / JRPG

    I loved Secret of Mana already, as it was. And this game improved a lot on it, with a better pace for the combat, character customization, giving you the ability to distribute your skill points as you wish, on whatever you want to focus.

    But the main thing about this game is the fact that at the beginning of the game, you have a choice between 6 characters, and you have to pick 3 of them, one main character and two side-kicks. And each character has its origin, its hometown, its motivations. Telling a different story between each of them, depending on your choice. As well as the other characters you pick, changing dialogues and sequences throughout the whole game. But not only that, depending on the character you pick, the main villain changes! That's right. They did that in 1995! This game was so ahead of its time. Plus the fact that each character can go through 2 class changes during the game, giving you 2 options on the first go around, and 2 more on the second time, depending on the one you chose the first time. So that's 7 classes per character, the one you start, two derivations of that, on the first class change, and four more, two for each of the first two you chose between. With all of that, the game has so much replayability, you have tons of different perspectives on the story, plus different ways to distribute your skill points and four different paths of class changes for each character.

    Another thing that can't go without mention, is the soundtrack. Again, square kept the highest level of work for their scores on JRPGs, especially during that era. The game also looks really well, even better than his prequel.

    You don't need to play Secret of Mana to play this game, it's just in the Mana series, having the same monster designs, the same type of lore and spells/UI/equipment. But Seiken Densetsu 3 is its own story, and you should play it, maybe more than once.

    The only negative with the game is the delay you can have during battles when you need to use too much magic. And sometimes not having the opportunity to use it.

  • 1998 / N64 / Action-Adventure

    Ocarina of Time was the new benchmark for action-adventure games at the time, it created a new standard that it was impossible to think any game would do it again.

    When the game started I wasn't so sure of how good it would be, the game's strength was in its dungeons, having some really cool puzzles and sense of discovery.

    But then, the master sword + time sequence happen (I won't spoil) and the game completely blew me away. It changed even the gameplay, but most amazingly, the new setting, giving a sense of urgency and that now it's your duty to finish this.

    Zelda: OoT is on every "best games of all time" lists you can find, it's the favorite game for a lot of people, and it's easy to understand why the game gave the industry something that people couldn't imagine. Being the blueprint to lots of game to follow, but for a lot of people that played the game at the time, it was never possible for another game to create the feeling this game did.

    I was only able to beat it late, on the 3DS re-release and I'm still amazed by what this game accomplished at its time. It's a masterpiece, the highest ranking game on Metacritic ratings.

  • *Includes Overwatch 2*

    2016 / PC / FPS

    Blizzard did it again! They just wait for other publishers to have an idea, grab it and perfect it. Like they did with MMO, Action loot based RPG and Card games. And had a really nice version for a Moba.

    But in the "First person hero shooter multiplayer" they now became the big thing. Having an unbelievable number of players and twitch views in the first month, was something nobody expected. The game even exploded in Korea, something that is really rare, to change their top charts.

    I played 200h of it in 2016, not so much in the stacked 2017. But I'm sure will be back for much more.

  • 2007 / PC / Puzzle

    Portal is a masterpiece of a puzzle game, absolutely the best in the genre. I remember getting it from the Orange Box, that was probably the best bundle in gaming history and thinking I would not like the game because it had zero action. But it opened my eyes for the genre and made love it.

    Most people think the second game is even better, I'm not one of them, I feel that the game being really short was a great thing for it, made you jump in, think a lot and you're done soon. Plus the originality and innovation of the game is a big thing for me.

  • 1991 / SNES / JRPG

    Final Fantasy 4 was the first in the series to combine great gameplay with a great story, the first 3 lacked one of the two, you can call the first of the great ones.

    The character design and personality were revolutionary in an RPG at the time. The character-driven plot making a dramatic narrative, going for things like search for morality, makes a lot of fans of the series consider the 4th game to be the best in the series, and I respect that, it's hard to speak against it.

    This game also introduced the ATB (Active Time Battle) system, something that came from Formula 1 racing, according to the designers. And they made it work, giving consistency and value to characters that have speed.

    As for the soundtrack, for the first time, FF really showcased the enduring themes that later would become synonyms with the series. With songs starting to be adapted and performed by orchestras around the world, especially the song Theme of Love. It's truly one of the best soundtracks ever made, being revolutionary for its time.

    What some people didn't like as much, was a more linear story, something that I don't mind at all. Also, the convoluted ending, with some things being exaggerated, what is a normal thing in JRPG's, was a negative point of the game. But still is one of the best RPGs of all time.

  • 2004 / PS2 / Action-Adventure

    For me, the best of the three revolutionary GTA games for the PS2, when the series finally went 3D. The idea of having gangs ruling parts of the city was so cool at the time. And giving you so much game time, keeping the feeling that you had so much to do. That you could never run out of things to do in the world.

    And this was, for me, the best GTA to just don't care about the next mission and just do a lot of crazy things. Start some chaos, personalize your car, go to the gym, find some new spray areas. So much "side questing" for that time. Crazy to think about it.

  • 2013 / PC / Action-Adventure

    Probably the game with the most content ever made. If you like the online mode, you can own only this game and you're already done. You can have thousands of hours of gameplay. Rockstar did an amazing job with the "triple-main-character", and including each one on the story of the other. Plus, all the remarkable characters you see during the story mode.

    GTA will always be the perfect game to just jump in and do whatever you want. Especially if you play on PC and like putting MODs in your game.

  • 2007 / PC / FPS

    The first FPS multiplayer game to really give life to its characters, even making cinematics to give a back story to each one. I remember waiting for a full week to play this game after I bought it and didn't have my PC with me. When I finally was able to open it, it was already midnight, and I played till 9 AM. It was a blast, never thought I would play so much of this style of a game without getting bored, there was so much variety.

    Nowadays the game took some hit with releases like Overwatch and the increased number of hero shooters and Moba-likes. But Valve still did an awesome job with it, making it free to play, providing a community market to make revenue. Creating new content every year with events like Halloween and Christmas.

    I got TF2 via the Orange Box, and it's one of the games that I will never forget.

  • 2005 / PS2 / Racing

    My favorite "pure" racing game ever. With a story that was decent at the time, and fantastic gameplay. A really good sense of progression, not too fast neither too slow, just with an awesome pace to the campaign. It is one of the games that I finished the most, probably like 5 times. After not liking NFS: Underground 2 as much as my friends did, this was something special, knocked out of the park for me. Never played the other one that came in 2012.

  • 2010 / PC / Sports

    The game that changed the franchise in a big way, becoming one of the most addicting games I play every year since. The introduction of the MyCareer mode made lots of people get into the series, and in my opinion, the first MyCareer mode was the best one. We had Draft Combine games and Summer League also, it was so complete.

    I played a lot of the NBA games in the decade prior to this one, but NBA 2k11 is certainly the most remarkable one. I can remember the day I finally got it for my PC until this day.

    The NBA 2K series became one of the 3 franchises that I put most hours into, and every year is a must-buy for being my ultimate podcast game.

  • 2018 / PC / Roguelike

    Dead Cells is the perfect combination of genres, it makes you experience the thrill of discovery of games like Super Metroid and also the learning process of a roguelike, making you go through levels, learn the mechanics, probably die on the first couple of tries and come back each time more prepared.

    The game has just the right amount of enemy variety, not giving you hundreds of different pattern to learn but also not being that repetitive from level to level. It strikes a perfect balance of encouraging you to try new weapons and items, with new upgrade combinations, that can be better for the road you gonna take.

    Each time you progress a certain amount, through a certain way, you unlock runes, that give you a different type of abilities like being able to teleport on a statue or break some types of floor. So the next time you come across these things you can find new ways to go through or find new blueprints.

    The game is also really really hard, it had that souls combat element that if you are not paying attention, any enemy in the game can kill you right away. The further you go, the harder it gets, but also the number of cells you collect increases.

    Cells are used to unlock the blueprints you find in the game, after unlocking it, that item can now appear on your run for you to use it. Same thing as items, spells, etc. The player can also choose three types of mutations, one each time you go through a level, their help you be more prepared, giving you +30% health, reducing the cooldown of your abilities, things like that.

    The weapon variety is just gigantic, and each time you find a certain weapon it will have different stats, making you look for combos to use and create the perfect weapon set for that specific run. You also can use the forge to reroll those stats if you don't like them.

    The upgrade system gives you the option to choose between Brutality, that enhances the red items, Tactics, that enhances the purple items and Survival, that enhances the green items. Each item has one or two colors, and they get better if the player upgrades their color. You can also find rare Yellow items, they are enhanced by the color you have the most points in, giving you some really nice opportunities, when for example if you find a good sword that usually is red and you are focusing on purple/green, if the sword is yellow, it will get the benefits as well. But these colored upgrades are lost each time you die.

  • 2019 / PC / Souls

    Sekiro is the game that pushed me the most to improve in order to progress, presenting the player with different possibilities of combinations and strategies. The game gets rid of the stamina bar from previous FromSoftware games but increases the need for the player to have accurate timing and good reflexes, becoming what might be the hardest game I've ever beaten.

    It has a killer presentation, an immersive world with beautiful music. I love the feudal-Japan setting and all the character designs. Despite the hard recommendation, it's definitely one of the best games of the generation. I've never felt so accomplished inside a game, in my life, as I did when I finally finished this game's last boss.

  • 2016 / PS4 / Action-Adventure

    The fourth Uncharted game is the culmination of everything that comes before it. The game excels on all the best things that the franchise had, and mixes it up with some new features, stunning graphics, and the best story of the series.

    For some time I wasn't sure that I would love this game as much as other people did, but playing through the whole franchise, I got so attached to Drake, Elena, and Sully. Now I understand when people put this game up there with the greatest of the generation, it's truly a masterpiece.

    I love the puzzles, I love the dialogue interactions, the over the top action sequences, the added swing mechanic as well as the much-improved stealth option.

    The only bad thing I could say about this game is the same thing I said about the other Naughty Dog masterpiece (The Last of Us), I have more fun with aim assist on than getting stressed with combat sequences in a game that the main focus should always be the story. But Uncharted 4 gives you that option without you needing to go down to the Easiest difficulty, what's a plus.

  • 2012 / PC / Adventure

    The best "story-based" adventure game I've ever played. At first, I thought the lack of gameplay would make me not like it, but when the story started rolling, I was completely hooked. Making you feel a part of the direction the game takes with the decision you makes.

    TWD Season 1 was also the first game of this genre I've ever tried, and the result simply made me buy all the other games from Telltale. (Season 2, Game of Thrones, Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands) I might even assume I liked one of those even more, but this one was the first, the bridge that started it all. Now I just love this kind of games.

  • 2020/ PS4 / JRPG

    The best remake ever made, with probably the best soundtrack of all time. It's just amazing the work Square did with this game. My expectations were high and they surprised me a lot with how good it is.

    The story is really deep, for a lot of people it'll be confusing, and the last chapter could've been handled better, for more people to get it and maybe enjoy it even more. But it's still one of the best RPGs ever made and I can't wait to play the sequels to this game.

  • 2017 / PS4 / WRPG

    Horizon was one of the best experiences of immersion I've ever seen in a game. Aloy is one of my favorite protagonists ever, she has the potential to become one of the staples for Sony, one of the so-called "mascots" together with Nathan Drake, Kratos and some others.

    The game has one of my favorite combats ever, it kept me so engaged, every single encountered felt fun, and almost all of it felt intense with the real possibility of defeat, I really cherish that style.

    The game lacks some development and polish on the side-stuff, both side characters and some of the side quests, but I can't fault the game that much for that. I just wish the climbing was a little better, with more visual display.

    The variety of enemies is remarkable, the traversal in the world is amazing, both sliding, running, rolling, jumping, all of it feels so good. Aloy has some great animations, and the game looks so good, the ambiance, the lighting, Aloy's face, the machines, so great.

    She's so natural as well, always having the right responses and reactions, I just loved playing as her.

  • 2000 / PC / WRPG

    When the second Diablo came, with the loot system and the class variety, was one of the most addicting games I've ever seen hit the community. Making you chase every item, do every quest, having fear of dying. The game was great, truly one of the most remarkable RPG's I can think about. The father of 'Action loot based RPG'.

  • 1994 / SNES / Platformer

    A game that, for some folks, stayed in the shadow of Super Mario World because it was a Nintendo platformer that came 4 years later. For me, a game that is underrated, when I first saw it I went crazy feeling the need to own a copy of it. An art style that doesn't age as well as the pure 2D ones from the SNES. I still love it.

    The amount of animation was so ahead of its time, with great backgrounds, pushing the SNES power to its limits. I loved the character design, the movement, and their reactions. As well as the awesome soundtrack.

    The game also set the stage to two great sequels in the same system, that also should've got more love, but for some folks, it came a bit late on the SNES life cycle.

    The catch for this game was its variety, the gameplay wasn't just jumping on top of every enemy. Some of them need you to do something different, as well as the number of animals you can save and use them to help you, like mounts.

  • 1988 / NES / Platformer

    This game is amazing! It has absolutely great level design while still being simple, they are just so clever. It was a really great "real" sequel to the original Super Mario Bros. It added the overworld to select the levels, making you know where you would go next. And they made each world unique, you start at a simple level, with grass and traditional hills. Then you go to different worlds, there is one with a desert, a water world, and one that caught everybody's eye, a giant world. Everything in that world is bigger, the enemies, the blocks, the pipes. It's amazing. The game has 8 worlds, each one is represented by a different world map.

    The game also had a big upgrade on the suits, giving you tons of variety to the gameplay. The most famous is the one on the cover, the raccoon suit. There is also the traditional Fire Mario, and new additions like the Frog Suit, the Tanooki Suit and a couple more.

    Other great additions: now you can hold a shell and release when you need to, as well as you have items to use in the overworld. Like different suits or a mushroom, to make you be better prepared from a level to another. Giving a really nice boost to your thinking before going blind, making you strategize a bit.

    I'm still not a big fan of the auto-scroll levels, there's still some of those in this game. But even so, Super Mario Bros 3 is a classic, one of the best games ever made, showing up in every list you can find.

  • 2016 / PC / Sim

    I never thought I could love this game so much, what made me give it a shot was hearing Dan Ryckert talk about it on the game of the year podcasts and thinking "it has to be something special there". So I went and bought it and played for about 50 hours in the first two weeks. It was a blast, so much to do, so much to discover. And I never got into Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing games. That's what made me even more surprised.

    This game is so calm and chill, being a very good game for some small bite sizes, but also being that kind of game that you think you gonna just start and play for 20 minutes but suddenly 4 hours went by and you didn't even notice. It can be a great game for you to play while listening to podcasts as well, it becomes so addicting!

  • 2020 / PC / Roguelike

    One of the best indie games and one of the best roguelike games of all time! Supergiant nailed it, perfect controls, amazing voice-over (like always, from their games), surprisingly incredible story, and beautiful art style.

    They made a great iteration of Greek mythology, I could've never imagined this working so well with such creative ideas and a great representation of these characters. All the gods have a distinct personality, their interactions with the main character are amazing.

    I played this game for dozens of hours and I haven't seen one single repeated dialogue. They've always been unique so far, each encounter has been different, I simply cannot believe the work Supergiant did with this game, amazing!

  • 2014 / PC / WRPG

    Inquisition is the third game in the Dragon Age series, it has more of an open-world style of exploration, with great visuals for the size and style of the game. It may not have the best story or the best pacing. But in my opinion, is the best game in the series. The game is so deep, with all its lairs of dialogue and character customization.

    It has even more side-quests then the previous Bioware games, I loved that they went a little bit more action-focused, like the second Dragon Age game, and didn't decide to go back to the more strategic style of Origins.

    I think this game got some negativity here and there, because of the story arc not being as deep or having that many changes based on your playthrough. But I feel it ends up being an underrated game, as I look back to it.

    My favorite part of it all is easily hunting the Dragons. The sense of scale and fear of each battle isn't easily matched by other games out there. Dragon Age: Inquisition is one of the best Western RPGs of all time.

  • 2016 / PC / Strategy-RPG

    *Including War of the Chosen*

    When I first was set up to play the second modern XCOM, I thought that the first one couldn't be surpassed, because I loved it so much. But then I played this game, and damn! It is so great, improves in every level from the first one (except for some performance issues here and there), but the gameplay is better, the customization, the classes, the off battle gameplay as well. It's just what every sequel dreams to be. I love how they made every character feel even more unique than before.

    The enemy design is also better, and every time you discover a new type of threat gives you that "oh sh*t" feeling like no other game does. Making you care about the soldiers and calculate the risk/reward of every turn is an addicting experience. A must-play for every strategy-RPG fan.

  • 2012 / PC / WRPG

    Mass Effect 3 continues the story arc from the first two games, you're all into what could be the last war of your cycle. The game keeps improving on the gameplay feel from the previous games while changing some aspects of customization to equipment and upgrades. The experience from player to player will vary depending on what happened on your playthrough of the second game. I saw a lot of people complaining of the amount of "coincidence" meetups that the game presents. But in my case, not that many people are alive to feel like something too forced, my crew is not as big. So it really gave the sense of making decisions while being at war.

    They got rid of the loyalty missions from the second game, that were one of the coolest things to do. But the storytelling through the missions in this one felt great, the revelations and dialogues with the other commanders where the high point of the game for me, and the famous bad ending is actually fine, I don't really have a problem with it.

    The series always had some of the best side characters you can find in a video game, and that's still a very good positive, with some new and surprising ones to find. I think this one had the best combat of the series so far, having the same gameplay but more fluid. Giving you some options based on the weight you carry to use more or less of your spells, what I enjoyed. They also got rid of your need to go from planet to planet to scan them looking for supplies, it's one less side thing you can do but it's one less thing that you have to do, I'm kind of neutral on that.

    I was really impressed by the sense of a war that the game gave you, with some really amazing cinematics, especially at the end. If you liked ME2 there's no reason not to enjoy this game, I really think it gets a bad rep, they're on the same level. I give a slight edge to ME2 just because it came out first and introduced some of the best characters in the series, while is just a continuation of what you did there, but with some really cool discoveries.

  • 2016 / PC / Souls

    One of the deepest games ever, with lots of variety on character equipment and style of play. I was surprised at how hooked I was in this game when I first tried the series I didn't really get that appeal that my friends did. But this third game is so good, much more fluid, better controls, better system.

    The main thing for me was, while I was playing this game, I was thinking "this game has so much potential, it could be the best game of all time with a few changes", and still is one of the greatest games I've played. A true love and hate relationship between the player and the game, making you feel really rewarded by advancing through the game.

    I loved the style as well, taking a middle ground between the first games and Bloodborne. And it has the best soundtrack of all the games from the genre, which is a big plus for me.

  • 2001 / PS2 / Racing

    I never expected to be addicted to a simulator racing game the way I was when I started GT3 on the PS2. I didn't even own the console at the time and bought a memory card to play when I use to rent the console on the weekends from I place across the street from my house.

    I even played the endurance races, one of them was 12 hours long, and I did it, was just something I could never imagine I would do.

    The feeling of working towards the next car you want to unlock or buy was so addicting, plus the feeling of accomplishment when you finally did it was awesome.

    Never owned GT2 nor GT4 that were the ones my friends told me to play. By I stand by that GT3 is my favorite by far.

  • 2004 / PS2 / Racing

    This game introduced me to the Burnout franchise, one of my favorites ever. The hook, besides awesome and crisp gameplay and good looking crashes, was the campaign, with the number of cars you earn by progressing. Unlockable things in games are most of the times very addicting, in Burnout 3 that was a joy to me, always having a new car to use. Trying to get them all.

    The Crash Mode also became one of the most beloved game modes that have never been done again with the same success, which is kind of sad. It is probably the first thing people remember when talking about Burnout 3. But my favorite mode was Road Rage, so much fun! The nitro mechanics are also great in this game.

  • 1998 / PC / FPS

    *Including both expansions*

    The first game that I've paid with my own money, after playing a free demo that I got. "They managed to put a good story into a shooter? What the hell?" was my reaction.

    A game that started something big, giving people the vision that stories can be added to any genre and make the game even more fascinating. As well as giving a base game to create MODs that would make a big impact in the industry going forward. I enjoyed the first one more than the second because it was a finished game and I played it when was still fresh.

  • 2015 / Wii U / Platformer

    The best thing about Super Mario Maker is that you never know what to expect from each level. Could be a very hard challenge, a very clever puzzle or just something that will make you laugh out loud. This game feels like a celebration of what is (probably) the best gaming franchise ever. It’s also an incredibly accessible level construction kit, one where you can easily spend hours creating stages or playing levels made by a passionate community of series fans.

    You’ll see a genuine reverence for Mario’s history in the 10 Mario Challenge, a mode where you’re given 10 lives to complete sample courses. There are 68 stages in all and each one is wildly different from the other. You can move from a stage that has Super Mario Bros graphics and looks like one of the levels from the original game, to next be in a New Super Mario Bros graphics with giant enemies and some crazy puzzles, or a level with Super Mario World graphics while you are just supposed to have fun with the sound effects or enemy placements. It's such a nice mash of designs.

    The definitive version for you to play classic Mario, it will always be another level waiting for you, you don't have to stop any time soon.

  • 1999 / PSOne / JRPG

    Legend of Mana is one of the most unique RPGs I've ever played. It has infinite systems for you to have a unique playthrough, varying from forging your own weapon, to raise your pet companions, cultivating seed to grow items, building instruments and even creating your own golem!

    The game is really charming, with amazing hand-drawn background and great character animations. I laughed out loud a couple of times playing this game, it has charming humor with amazingly well-written dialogue.

    The story doesn't follow just one big plot, instead, you're presented with events that cover a bunch of smaller story arcs throughout the game. They're surprisingly good paced with some nice twists and satisfying finales.

    Legend of Mana was one of my favorite games growing up, one of the first action-RPGs I remember playing, it has one of the best soundtracks ever and some top-notch monsters/character design.

  • 2018 / PC / Platformer

    I don't even know what to talk about when it comes to Celeste. The game is an incredible Platformer that tells the story of Madeline, as she has to deal with anxiety and some other problems that you see throughout the game. The main thing I can say is: Just go play this game, unless you don't like platformers, just do yourself a favor and pick this up.

    The controls are some of the thigest that I've ever seen, the level design is perfect, the pace is great, you'll die a bunch because the game is really hard. But you respawn right there in a second, keeping you going all the time, learning the level and improving your chances each time. The game has some amazing writing, what's kind of surprising for an Indie Platformer, not that I expected to be bad, but usually, it becomes second fiddle to the gameplay. And the dialogues ended up being some of the best of the whole year (which is an amazing year when it comes to that).

    The art style is pretty unique, a pixelated look, with the characters being kind of small on the screen, without the face details. But when they're talking, it shows up a portrait of them, with some amazing hand-drawn art that looks awesome! And each character has a unique personality, with some defining moments. Despite the cast of characters being small, they really were a big part of the game. Plus, I loved how they have just a rumbling/gibberish talking sound instead of voice acting or full mute, that changes depending on the humor/expression of the character when he's saying that line. Really well done.

    I loved the soundtrack, that's one of the only negatives I have with 2018, despite being (maybe) the best year of all time when it comes to quality of Games, I couldn't find a soundtrack that grabbed me, outside of a couple of songs, but this score might be my favorite so far. The game has a great amount of content, with fantastic challenge variety and level design. It really keeps you on your toes, it's one of the toughest platformers I've ever beat, but it's really fair. When you die it's always your fault. And you'll die maybe a thousand times (the game has a death counter, so you'll know).

    The game does a great job of transmitting a message through the story, about the pressures of life and the psychological trouble some people have to deal with. It's truly remarkable to play through the whole game.

  • 2015 / PC / Action-Adventure

    I came late to this franchise, after everybody saying this game is the perfect entry point, and I agree. Yakuza 0 is one of the examples that remember me while I play videogames and love to talk about them so much. The story is long, but it earns each minute of it by giving everything meaning and high stakes. The cast of characters is perfectly designed, and their interactions shine through the whole game.

    The game chooses to have two protagonists in the same game and manages to have both be top 10 protagonists of all time, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Plus, the game has a crazy style of never going through the middle when it comes to tone. It's either the most serious thing possible, or the silliest thing possible, and that would sound impossible, but they nail it.

    Yakuza 0 has one of the best narratives in a videogame, ever. It has characters and moments that I'll never forget. And it combines all of that with a silly open-world, with silly minigames and sidequest that can make the game 3 times longer than the main story itself. Giving the player the option to play it for hundreds of hours, and be worth the price of admission.

  • 1994 / SNES / Metroidvania

    A game that was a slow burn for me, at the start I thought Super Metroid was a bit overrated because it was so easy to get lost and have no idea what to do next. But when I came back to it, I started to get immersed and fall in love with the atmosphere.

    You start on a dead planet, walking through empty rooms, then something weird scans you and suddenly everywhere you go is full of enemies, the planet woke up with your presence.

    The ending is amazing, kind of mind-blowing even. And the game has a sense of accomplishment like no other, every time you find a secret.

    If you search for any list of greatest games of all time, Super Metroid will always be there around the top, you can see why. The soundtrack is just amazing to give the game that sense of fear and discovery. The gameplay is easy to pick up but hard to master. The pace is really good.

  • 1985 / NES / Platformer

    The first one has a special place in my heart, even tho that the 3rd game was a big upgrade, it's a very close call for me, virtual tie. Plus, Super Mario Bros was the second game I've played in my life and it was so challenging! I never started a game from the beginning more times then I did the first Mario.

    This game started the success of the most know character in video game history, making him the face of the industry, giving Nintendo a big future to work around an amazing franchise.

    It grabbed people without needing a story or even the main character having the chance to talk.

  • 2009 / PC / WRPG

    The first RPG with the pause-during-combat mechanic that I loved. Such amazing storytelling and pace to the game, with the possibility of you playing through it so many times, giving you so many options for your back story and for your choices through the game.

    Bioware was at its golden age. The game has some great moments and a lot of tactical depth in the combat. For sure one of the best western RPG's ever made!

  • 2016 / PC / Immersive Sim

    The second Dishonored reached two of the highest peaks of all time when it comes to quality of level design in video games. Despite having fewer characters than the first game, it improved every feature of gameplay and presentation.

    The missions were more intense and the combat was better. And the game is one of the rare examples of being perfect for its New Game+, having two protagonists to choose from at the start, and a huge amount of customization when it comes to skills and upgrades to unlock.

    Dishonored 2 was almost a 10 out of 10 for me.

  • 2002 / PC / FPS

    The first time I went to a LAN House, at the start of my summer vacation, everybody was setting up to play this game. I decided to hop in the server and see why so much hype.

    This decision made me go for around 30 of the next 40 days back there. Spending all my saved money for the vacation, just on this game, becoming good, making friends, making rivals.

    Such a great experience loved the campaign also. Big fan of the WW2 setting games we had that time.

  • 2020 / PC / WRPG

    CD Projekt Red did a terrible job handling the launch of Cyberpunk 2077, they weren't honest about the console version and kept digging a hole for themselves with all the controversy and the number of bugs the game had.

    But considering how much I enjoyed the game, devoided of that, it's one of the best open-world games I've ever played. It has some of my favorite characters in a game in a long time. Night City might be the best city a videogame has ever created, and I hope they do more content based on Cyberpunk's world.

    I love Judy, Panam, Viktor, I would love to keep expanding everything that happens in their journeys, or having new characters just as interesting. The game sets a new world with so much potential.

    The gameplay is very good, the implementation of Johnny Silverhand is very interesting and well made, in my opinion. The game gives the player what he/she invests in it. If you want a hardcore RPG on high difficulty or just a mindless open-world shooter, you can approach it both ways, and play for as many hours as you want, while having a good experience. Cyberpunk is becoming an underrated game because of all its controversis.

  • 1996-97-98 / PSOne / Platformer

    *The original trilogy*

    One of the discs that I first bought for my PSone was all the Crash trilogy in one disc since I didn't own an N64, this was my first 3D platformers, and they stuck with me. I wasn't so sure about the ranking of the three games here, then I decided to group up all 3 on the spot that the second game was, which is my favorite of the 3.

    I remember when I first saw Crash, the graphics looked so good, you could say it would never get any better in video games. That's how crazy things changed since them.

    All these games are good, my favorite is 2, then Warped, then the original. The second game added the level select from a hub, where you could change the order of levels you would go in that world, as well as added some new skills like the belly flop and the slide/crouch. The third game had some of the best changes ever in a sequel, you unlock a new ability after defeating a boss, and one of them is a double jump, and another one is a bazooka, yes. The third game also lets you play a few levels as Crash's sister and keeps the option for you to choose from the five levels of each world in any order. But the best change was to reduce the number of times you should hit the crossed boxes from 10 to 5, that was really an upgrade. The problem of the first game is the difficulty spike, it almost looks like it was two games put together. But all of the three have some problems, in my opinion. The second one has the jetpack levels with horrible controls, both the first and second one has a horrible camera for backtracking if you want to get all the boxes, the third one has horrible controls on the bike levels. But all of that is just about 1/10 of the overall game. I recommend the Remade trilogy to everybody that can get it, and enjoy any platformer out there. It's for sure a classic trilogy in gaming history.

  • 2011 / PC / WRPG

    I think most people only heard of the Witcher series when the third game came out and started winning all the awards. But the second game was a remarkable piece of art, that had unique storytelling, making you see the evolution of these types of game, at its time.

    The Witcher 2 is full of excellently-designed quests, from the grand machinations of its central plot to side-quests that deal in ghost stories, missing persons and humorous mysteries. Spend time in taverns and get into fist-fights or gambling debt, and you might find Geralt led to something bigger. Investigating a single murder might uncover a long trail of cause and effect. These well-written diversions mean that Geralt never feels like an errand boy, and the choices that you make – minor and major –affect the course of the narrative in a way that feels natural and organic. You're never told to choose between good and evil, filling some invisible morality meter. Instead, it feels like what you're doing actually means something.

    The game has two different playthroughs, depending on what decision you make. Having a whole chapter(about 35% of the game) unique to the option you choose.

  • 1999 / PSOne / JRPG

    The game that gave you a real sense of having a Digimon pet, making you need to feed him, train him, and even take him to the bathroom, between battles and quests. These things were what most of my friends thought it was the cons of the game, I loved! Making you care for things other then just battle, again and again, so you can make better progress, especially with the evolutions, was amazing.

  • 2000 / PSOne / Action-Platformer

    The first Mega Man I finished on my "first try". A lot of my older friends thought it wasn't as good as other games from the series because it was easier. But the number of different armors the game has was amazing for me as a kid, just as X you have 5 types of armor to choose from if you unlock them all.

    I loved the visual upgrade, it felt so much more polished and well designed than the previous games, especially seeing the character move around. And it had my favorite boss designs from all the Mega Man games.

  • 2018 / PS4 / Action-Adventure

    Marvel's Spider-Man, developed by Insomniac, had a very big buzz to it before it came out, and everybody who had played it previously liked a lot. My expectations were high, and still, I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. It's amazing, very well put together. Spider-Man is one of my favorite superheroes, being such a relatable character. This game makes it even better with the presentation of the characters if feels so real, especially the dialogues between Peter and MJ, or Peter and May. The interactions are so well written and directed, it's one of the best I can remember in a video game. The back and forth text and calls between an ex-couple who's still halfway in, it's very believable.

    The swinging around the city must be the most satisfying way to move in a video game ever, at least that I can remember. They combine real physics with some very "video game" parts to make it more fluid, and it results in a marvelous conclusion of the gameplay loop. You never feel the need to use the fast travel system, because the coolest part of the game is just swinging around. Plus, the presentation of Manhattan, how real it feels, it's almost hard to believe.

    Another cool feature in the game is the number of different suits you can unlock, some that'll be a throwback to another Spider-man piece of media (cartoon, comics, movies). Lots of cool easter eggs for fans, and a few additions as well, they give you a bunch of gadgets that you can use in combat, some for a more stealthy approach, others for a pure brawl. Helping with the variety of the gameplay loop. Doing side objectives around Manhattan gives you different types of tokens, which you use to unlock all these suits and gadgets, throughout the game.

    This is probably my favorite superhero video game ever, and definitely my favorite Spider-Man story in any piece of media, not just game, but I feel like the way Insomniac did his arc in this game, is the best it's ever been. The development of the villains, the different takes with Peter's career, MJ, May. It's amazingly well done, I didn't expect that to be so good.

    My problems with the game are some load times, and the amount of it. In some parts of the game at least. As well as the missions in which you have to fight waves of enemies, that could've been much shorter and more enjoyable, in my opinion. Maybe even the amount of side stuff could be lower, but I understand that too much content shouldn't be a problem, especially for people who can't buy that many games.

  • 1993 / GBC / Action-Adventure

    Yes, I would give a slight edge to Link's Awakening over A Link to the Past. The only problems with Link's Awakening are the limitations of the console it was on at the time (since the Game Boy only had two buttons).

    In this game, there are no useless items or items that you use one time. Everything is useful from he moment you pick it up until the end of the game, yes it's not that fun to keep hitting start to change it every time, but the SNES had L and R buttons and ALTTP had the same problem.

    Link's Awakening takes risks by putting together a different story, with a dark plot twist that it's very unusual for the franchise. It has different humor, full of homages to the Mario series. The side-scrolling sections are awesome, the enemies and characters (some that just look alike the originals) are a delight to see come over to the Zelda franchise.

    My problems with the game are that every single time you pick up a buff or touch an object you get a text telling you what you already know all over again. This game was the best choice for Nintendo to do a remake in the series, I'm glad they did it, but I still hadn't had the chance to play it.

    Link's Awakening is just as good as almost every other Zelda game, and I give it a lot of props for trying something different after the huge successes that was A Link to the Past.

  • 2018 / PC / JRPG

    Monster Hunter World was the first game in the series that I played for a huge amount. I tried the PS2 and the PSP games but only for a couple of hours.

    The game has a loop that the name implies, you hunt monsters, you go into the wilds, looking for clues on where the monster will be, go find it and hunt it, killing or capturing it.

    You have tons of options for weapons and armor, that you'll craft throughout the game with the resources you find all over the map or that you get from the bodies of the monsters you kill. There will be a huge amount of types of items, going from healing potions to shock traps, that the player needs to learn to use it through the journey.

    The best part about Monster Hunter World is the sense of discovery, when you see a new monster for the first time, especially the dragons, it's truly awesome. The story is better than expected but still isn't the game strongest suit.

    Another system the game has in place is the type of attack/resistance, going for types like Fire, Water, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon. And having debuffs like Poison and Paralyzing. Making each set of armor and weapon having a bonus or negativity compared to the others, making you have to study the monster you will about to hunt and know what are his weakness and which type of attacks he uses, for you to prepare as intended.

    It feels so good to run around the world, jumping and climbing all over the map, having no fall damage. Also, the soundtrack during the battles in most of the maps is amazing, really pumps the adrenaline during fights. As well as the calm song from the hub area which is really good also.

    Despite the game having some server issues, you can play up to 4 players co-op, changing the difficulty of the monsters accordingly. Making it a good option for people who just like to play grind games with friends to have more of a social experience.

    The game isn't perfect, I felt similarly to how I felt when I played Dark Souls 3. And that is: it's one of the best games I've ever played, but it should be even higher, it should on the very top of my favorites, with some better game designs and polish around the edges (especially the server stuff)

  • 1997 / PSOne / Action-Platformer

    The first great Mega Man game to come to the PlayStation and allow you to fully play as Zero. Mega Man X4 was a really impactful game, with so amazing graphics and challenging gameplay. One of the discussions I and my friends had for years was which one was better, X4 or X5. Both games that I love and I replayed so many times.

    This is one of the hardest of the X series, with some cool upgrades and some of the best level designs. A must-play to every Mega Man fans out there.

  • 2020 / PS4 / Survival-Horror

    As a fan of the first The Last of Us, this game frustrated me a lot with some of the choices made, because it had the potential to be on the top of the list. But the gameplay and presentation are just perfect.

    Despite getting disappointed with the story and pace, the game is very impressive and should be applauded for that. Naughty Dog was bold to present it the way they did, they obviously knew it would be very divisive. My problem isn't with Abby and the second half existing, is more of the decisions made when it comes to the decisions of all the characters in the game, and how frustrating the side-characters can be.

    To finish with some positive: This game might be the best stealth sequences I've ever played in my life. So intense, mechanically sound and perfectly presented.

  • 2003 / PS2 / Racing

    A game that exploded when it first came out, every single person I knew was playing this game at the time, spending hours and hours tuning their cars to look as crazy and awesome as possible.

    This is one of the games that I finished multiple times and became a really big deal, everybody was considering tuned cars the coolest thing in the history of the world, at the time this game came out. People were dreaming of one day having a car and making it look exactly like the one they had in the game, it was crazy.

    I'm a sucker for the Drag mode, it was the best new thing in a racing game I can remember in my video game lifetime.

  • 2016 / PC / FPS

    How surprised was I, that a Doom game came out in 2016 and was absolutely awesome?? Nobody would predict this amount of fun from these games. It was gorgeous and had an awesome pace to it, non-stop action, making even the storytelling be ok.

    The game has some of the best feeling weapons to shoot and upgrade, as well as the melee kills and its animations.

    The game is really well paced on the difficulty part, making you feel that you are getting better thru it, in the end, killing hordes of demons that you wouldn't believe you could if I told you so at the start.

  • 2017 / PC / Metroidvania

    Hollow Knight is the true modern Metroidvania game, it's fresh, with really tight controls and it gives that atmospheric sense just like Super Metroid at its time. It's not hard to get lost in this dark world, full of intriguing bugs and curious places. The game is so rich in content and unexplored lore, the deeper I went into Hollow Knight, the more I was surprised at just how much content and freedom it has to offer.

    The main hook of the game is the traditional way of the genre: New movement abilities allow you to move through new paths in familiar terrain, giving the obligatory need to retread old ground fresh life. With all abilities and areas having so much personality.

    The combat is fluid and really strategic, the boss fights are one of the best I've ever seen in any video game. The game also has the souls like death system, it's really really challenging, and if you die you have to go back to your body so you can recover your currency.

  • 1993 / SNES / JRPG

    I love the Mana series, especially the monster designs and the deep soundtrack. This game is on that list that of: I had it when I was really young, and could never go that far for not understanding the language and what was going on, not being able to beat it. And recently went back to beat it, remembering what great game it was.

    The start has kind of some bumps, with some bad difficulty spikes when you can get killed on some early bosses. But when the game picks up becomes one of the best JRPGs ever, especially the soundtrack. The weapon and magic variation are amazing. Giving meaning to the story and map progression also, in a very smart way.

  • 2011 / PC / WRPG

    The second Dragon Age game has more action-focused combat than the first one. It has its share of problems, of course, a lot of people out there kind of hated this game. But I think I had more fun with this one compared to Origins, for my taste.

    At the end of the day, it comes down to what games' flaws bothered me the least, Dragon Age Origins was impactful in almost every category, with some revolutionary aspects, but the gameplay was not my favorite. While the second game, had some presentation issues, of reusing the same assets and having some lighting bugs. But the gameplay was so much faster and more fun. It might have a lot to do with my playthrough, but playing as a Rogue in this game was just amazing, so fast, with great abilities and doing so much damage, I had a smile on my face during all of the battles, instead of scratching my head and pausing more than playing, as well as missing more than hitting with my weapon. I love the whole series, and I think DA2 is highly underrated.

  • 1995 / GB / Puzzle

    The perfect game for a handheld, it was so easy to pop it and play for a short burst or even get lost for hours. I love the fact that in picross you don't ever have to guess something, you always have a fair answer to the puzzle, but it's hard to get the grasp of it.

    It's my favorite match/blocks puzzle style game ever, and one of the games I think everybody should give it a try, it's so simple and yet so smart. A fantastic way to pass time, especially on the go.

  • 2000 / PC / Sim

    The Sims is maybe the one game after Super Mario World, that I think every person I've ever met played at least once. It was so unique to have an alternate life with a representation of yourself. It is until this day a gateway for people that don't really play games, to get themselves into the mix.

    You could become what you dream for your real life, maybe a millionaire soccer player, or a policeman, a doctor. Try to create chaos or something goofy just to have fun. It was the number one casual game that has a really deep cult following to it.

  • 1998 / PSOne / Strategy

    *Including original Red Alert*

    The first game I played tournaments in, putting together two PSOne consoles via cable and battling everyone that lived near the place where we used to rent games. Every match on the smallest map of the game. So much adrenaline!

    At first, I used to watch my friends play, then I started trying and suddenly realized I became good at it and fell in love so fast. When I rented this game to play with my cousin, I went to sleep and he stayed up just replaying the same map vs AI for 6 hours. That's how much we were addicted to this game.

  • 2009 / PC / FPS

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 did one of the rarest things a video game can do. While being a direct sequel to a masterpiece and revolutionary game, was able to keep the same amazing level and even improve the formula in some aspects. It's one of the best first-person shooters of all time, without question.

    The game kept what Call of Duty 4 started, the multiplayer with lots of loadout options and killstreaks to choose from. They added also the Deathstreak, so players that couldn't perform that well could get a boost to try and get back to the match. The number of weapons was still amazing, as well as the amount of stuff you could attach into them. They improved on the map's design as well, giving some fresh looks that became classics of the franchise.

    A lot of people complain that the singleplayer campaign is too short, but in fact, I liked it, because it feels straight to the point, just cool missions, with the important stuff, without any unnecessary time filler to just make it bulkier. It's a really good revenge story, who takes place a few years after the campaign of the first Modern Warfare game.

    The game also has the Spec Ops mode, where you can play a set of missions, co-op with a friend. With some really nice variety and cool ideas, mostly being twists from moments in the singleplayer campaign. Sometimes one player will be on foot being cover by the other player from somewhere in the air. There's the more traditional wave cleaning. Some really cool stuff, that rewards you with stars so that you can unlock more levels and keep progressing.

    It was the Call of Duty game with the most fun content I can remember, and the highest peak of the multiplayer gameplay loop. Keeping and improving the formula of a revolutionary game. With more balanced weapons and better map design.

  • 1991 / SNES / Beat'em Up

    The Beat'em Up genre was one of, if not the biggest genre at the early 90s. So many companies were trying to put out a game with this simple gameplay, focused on couch co-op, with some cool characters for you to select.

    But Turtles in Time is the best of its genre, it has the best level designs and boss fights. A great soundtrack and art-style, as well as the unique Turtles we all love.

    This is one of the games that I beat the most in my life. I as much fun playing it the 10th time as I had during the 1st playthrough. Some times with a different friend, or even alone. This is a true classic and the definitive version of a genre.

  • 2012 / Wii U / Platformer

    New Super Mario Bros U feels like a game that was designed by someone who really loves Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World. That's one of the biggest compliments you can give to a Mario game.

    The game takes really good care of the franchise, after two games(New Super Mario Bros Wii/2) that were kind of disappointing for the fans of the series. New Super Mario Bros U is the first 2D Mario game not only to return to the original formula but to take it subtly to the next level. The vast, seamless overworld not only houses the requisite levels, fortresses, and castles but also features items that can be picked up off the ground, roaming enemies that must be defeated, secrets, alternate paths and even some boss fights that occur within their own context, outside of any platforming sequence. Why Nintendo ever moved away from this approach seems even more baffling after this game.

    The level of difficulty feels just right, allowing you to keep moving at a reasonable pace while killing you plenty of times along the way. You’ll never run out of lives, but if you’re anything like me, you’ll still lose enough of them to feel like you’re being challenged.

  • 2020 / PC / Metroidvania

    The second Ori game is so good that even some technical problems didn't diminish the experience. It's an example of how a Metroidvania game should be done. It nails everything that it's going for, exploration, platforming, controls, variety of skills and upgrades, secrets to find, talent customization, and one of the best presentations for a game this generation.

    It's beyond gorgeous, and it has killer music and sound effects. It's amazing! The difficulty is perfect as well, going on a really nice curve, without ever being a cakewalk. I just wish more people gave this game a chance because it deserves it.

    The story is very touching and well represented with a unique style. The world feels so real, it's just incredible.

  • 2017 / PC / Action-Platformer

    Cuphead was a game that caught everybody's attention when was first show just for a few seconds on E3. All that we heard was "what was that? we want to see more of that!" and the game went rogue for a couple of years.

    It was clear that it had a unique art style, a 1930s-ish cartoon, hand drawn, give me that. It's funny to look back and think: how did nobody else think of that? huh!

    When the game finally came out, it did not disappoint one bit, it is amazing. The combination of art-style and soundtrack is already a piece of art, just perfect. But then the gameplay was also incredible, so tight, so responsive and fast, just brilliant.

    The game was originally planned as a boss-rush game only, and the feedback wasn't very good, asking for full levels. And they did that, but at the end of the day, the boss levels were BY FAR the best part of the game. It's kind of crazy to see the designs of the bosses and how personality they have, the people that worked on them are so creative, it's hard to put into words. One of the best looking games of all time.

    What turned some people off was the difficulty, damn this game is hard. The sad part about that is that a lot of players won't be able to see the game till the end and appreciate all the boss designs they have because a very small percentage of players will be able to beat it. But for some players, like me, the challenge enhances the experience. I just wish they had launched the game with some sort of easy mode option.

  • 1999 / PC / Sim

    This is a game that when I first saw it, I thought that it wouldn't be that fun, because of the concept. But actually, if you play it you'll find that the fun is wildly contagious. It's just so fun to keep seeing the numbers go up and up, while you try to be creative and smart to have a good flow in your park. Giving you the best experience for a business simulator/park builder, that you can have in a video game.

    The game has a really awesome presentation, with the sound effects being superb, and the look of the park and the people being so charming. You have a very easy-to-pickup menu system, with some windows style menus to pop up. The people in the park can leave a ride and be so full of joy, running around and smiling, while other can be stumbling and have their face green ready to make a mess on your park floor. The game has an amazing level of micro details everywhere, it's simply great.

  • 1999 / PSOne / Racing

    Since I didn't own a Nintendo 64, Crash Team Racing was my follow up to Super Mario Kart, and I couldn't imagine it would be on the same level, but it was. The game was sensational, had an awesome singleplayer story mode, with lots of variety and unlockables for you to spend hours and hours playing it, as well as being a game with very decent replayability.

    Each character has different racing attributes was also a new and fun feature. Besides the very distinct personalities difference between them.

  • 1981 / Arcade / Maze

    The first game that I remember being committed to finish it, or at least try it for every day for a long time. It wasn't possible for my age, but it stuck with me as the best Pac-man game ever. One of the most iconic characters in video game history has his best game be with his wife as the main character, pretty ironic.

    I remember the levels changing color and getting more difficult as the player keeps progressing. I and my friend restarted this game so many times I can't even imagine how many hours it was spent.

  • 2012 / PC / Strategy-RPG

    The absolute best aspect of XCOM is the sense that there’s never enough time or resources to do everything that needs to be done. Do you pull a trooper off of active duty to undergo psionic training or do you keep him out in the field where he can get better at his core skills? Do you spend your budget producing satellites to help locate UFOs or do you spend that same money producing interceptors to be sure you can shoot down the few UFOs you do locate? Every moment of XCOM is defined by these either/or decisions where every move involves some sort of sacrifice or compromise. The combination of this with the tone of the game, the experience becomes fantastic and really engaging.

    The game is a strategy turned based RPG with permadeath for your troops, with some customization between each character, the game makes you care about them, especially when they start to level up and learn new skills, you feel like if they die your team will really take a hit. Making you think twice about gambling on a risky shot or playing it safe, even putting someone else in the risk of death.

    It was a fresh game at the time and one of my favorites of the modern era.

  • 1991 / SNES / Action-Adventure

    A Link to the Past is one of those games that I was so young when I first played and wasn't able to beat it, it has so many secrets to find in order to progress, or at least make your experience better. But even since then, it was the game that stuck with me as one of the best.

    Later I went back and completed it, doing everything it's possible, finding all the items and heart pieces. It's one of those games that I don't think will never get old, the 2D art-style and pretty visuals make you feel like the game will always feel good and look cool.

    The land of Hyrule was vast, expansive. And you could go anywhere you wanted. This SNES sequel refined what Zelda 1 had defined, harmonizing the freedom of exploring Hyrule with a more focused and linear flow. This Zelda isn't as long as the games that later followed and copied its foundation, but it still clocks in at a good amount of time.

    One of the games that you will always see on lists as one of the greatest games of all time. A classic that everybody should play it.

  • 2004 / PC / FPS

    Nobody can deny the impact that Half-Life 2 had in video game industry, it's one of the biggest games ever made, everybody that play games knows what you are talking about when you hear the name of this game.

    Even tho I think the first one was even more impactful, the second one isn't anything short of amazing. It had so much character and atmosphere to it, as a first-person shooter, what at the time was crazy to think about.

    The Gravity Gun is one of the most loved weapons for gamers, in video game history and the Crowbar is one of the most iconic and famous ones. The silence of Gordon Freeman is felt nowadays, as we'll probably never see him in action again for a third game. But he will be remembered as a true classic.

  • 2008 / PC / Survival-Horror

    Left 4 Dead was about the hot new topic that every kind of media was giving a try at it, at the time: Zombie Apocalypse. And it was the one that emerged ahead of the pack, is very fun to play with 3 other friends for hours and hours.

    A handful of humans remain immune to the zombie virus, and you play as a small group of them. There's Zoey, a young woman; Bill, the grizzled veteran; Louis, the middle-class office worker; and Francis, the biker. While the game gives you a variety of weapons to make your way through the levels, to a salvation point.

    Each scenario is presented like a movie, which is a nice touch. In the beginning, there's a movie poster showing the cast. If you survive, the "credits" display the statistics for the game, like who killed the most zombies, who inflicted the most headshots, who delivered the most friendly fire, and the like. The final credit shows how many zombies were killed in the making of the film, and a nice touch I really like is that if only some of the survivors make it to safety, the film is dedicated to the memory of those who didn't. Even the scenario titles are awesome in a cheesy sort of way.