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Best Games of the Year 2021

It's that time again, as I make a yearly list of the best games I played in the year 2021. Once again things in the world are pretty chaotic, but some good games still came out as a needed distraction. And without further ado, here is my official list.

List items

  • I'm so glad I took advantage of the Game Pass holiday deal for PC. It allowed me to play this masterpiece of a game. Not only is it an improvement over the first game in every way, it's also an evolution in 3D platformers in general. I see now, why many people were upset this game got overlooked at the so-called Game Awards.

  • Before I played Psychonauts 2, this game was going to be my number 1 pick. But don't let that keep you from playing it. It's another great entry in the series that takes full advantage of the PS5 power. It also introduces some endearing new characters with Rivet, Kit, and Glitch. However, the slight setback is that it is in a lot of ways, more of the same formula, including making Nefarious the villain once again, which is becoming tired. He doesn't have the charm of Bowser, or Eggman to keep being cast as the villain. They need to find an new villain for the heroes to face in the next game.

  • This game was surprising to many, including myself. I'm not a big Guardians fan. I think the movies are okay, but I never read the comics or watched the animated series currently going on for a while now. But it didn't matter. This game is really a must play. Don't dismiss this game because you didn't like Avengers, even though that game had a decent story mode about Ms. Marvel. Yes, it's by the same people, but without the endgame mode that was a very obvious online cash grab with no real focus. This game is strictly narrative and better for it. They capture the mood of series almost perfectly. And I can even stand Star Lord, even though he's still a tool.

  • This game proves that REVII wasn't a fluke and a surprising good game by a desperate Capcom. They knew what they were doing and it shows in this well done, action based sequel. Not only do the graphics and overall presentation stand out, but the villains you face throughout the game are quite memorable. Yes, everyone knows about Lady D, but Heisenberg is the real stand out villain of the game. I enjoyed finally defeating him. And the mercenary mode is also very well done and fun, like a modern arcade shooter you'd play in the arcades. Overall, don't miss this game.

  • The year long wait was worth it, because Halo Infinite turned out to be a pretty good game. Both the multiplayer and the campaign are decent and opens a lot of possibilities as the where the series goes next. There are a lot of big updates planned as well. Did I mention the multiplayer is free and just as good as many paid for entries, stealing the thunder from both Call of Duty and Battlefield entries in 2021.

  • What can I say, if you like Anime, you'll love this game. If you don't like Anime, you'll still like it as a quality action adventure game. The combat is really fun and evolves as you play, the storyline is very Anime, but also very good. As a fan of Eva, myself, I really like it. No, there aren't any giant mechs, but the conspiracy based story is very similar in execution. Heck, even one of the main characters father looks like Gendo Ikari, Shinji's father.

  • Returnal is a game that grew on me. I got it because I enjoy a good bullet-hell game. And while I'm kind of burned out on Rouge-likes, even though I will play Elden Ring, this game was an exception. The game play is challenging, but not brutal. Like you can go directly to the next area after beating the boss, unlike Hades for example where you had to fight the bosses over and over again. There are also power ups and gadgets you permanently collect, which make repeat runs more tolerable. The main character is interesting and I became engaged in her backstory and how she got caught up in a time loop on an alien planet.

  • Samus is back and looking better than ever... in 2.5D or whatever they call it. Yes, the side scrolling Metroid, the best version of the series (sorry Prime fans) is back. And once again, Nintendo hits it out of the park. The game introduces a lot of cool new power ups, along with some of the classics. An interesting narrative where Samus has to stop a series of killer bots hunting her while figuring out what happened. And great boss fights. Might be the best 2D Metroid since Super. I'll let others debate that.

  • If you love a good mind bending mystery in the spirit of Albert Hitchcock, then you'll love this game. The set up is simple, a husband comes home to spend a romantic evening with his wife, but something goes wrong when a stranger claiming to be a cop visits. Now, if you think I just gave you spoilers, then you have no idea. Just play the game and be blown away but the story telling and many plot twist. Oh, and it has an all star cast of voice actors, if that makes you blush.

  • Finally at number 10, Warframe. Yeah, I know its not a 2021 game. The game is much older, but its latest story driven update that was years in the making came out in 2021, and it was worth the wait. I don't want to spoil it, but it brings closure to the Lotus situation, which loyal players know much about. Its epic in scale and almost as long as a story campaign you pay money for, with multiple possible outcomes. You'd have to complete some quest before you can access the latest story, because you need a lot of stuff that is attached to those quest to play the latest one as it all comes together. I wonder where the makers of this great FTP game go from here.