I've had an Playstation VR for four years...unopened

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Am I an A$$hole? I've has a little shake up in my life, so I have to move. However, I keep finding stuff that makes me ask: WHYS DID I BUY THIS? I have so many things, I think "Oh, I'd like to do this [hobby, skill, etc]" But, I buy the thing and never do the thing! SO many hobbies still in box!

  • Playstation VR
  • Electric Guitar
  • Dozens of kicthen gadgets
  • Kickstarter bike with a crazy belt drive...never rode it
  • A second Zojirushi bread maker (well that was a mistake by bidding on two auctiosn at once)
  • Vinatge 1990s boom box shelf-unit sterio
  • $2,500 Laser Cutter
  • Day Bed for guests...I never invite friends to visti me over night or otherwise
  • Dozens of signed and autgraphed photos of celebrities (never hung them up)
  • Art lithgrpahes from comic books artists I like (never display them either)
  • Several plastic model kits when I though "I used to love making models, I should do that again."
  • Air brush for the models, collapsable poainting booth, nippers to take the sprews off models, etc
  • A mini grinder buffer for hobbies
  • I just got a PS5, but because I'm moving, I don't want to open it - I mean, JESUS I have not picked up a game to play in months!!!

This is a cry for help, isn't it? I feel reall shitty about myself at the moment. I need to vent here, so people I know don't think I'm crazy and then avoid me. Why do I think THINGS will fix the holes in my soul? I know they won't.

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#2  Edited By Rich666

I sometimes have a similar problem with books / manga and Steam games... I buy them and never have the time to read / play them. Maybe start chronologically? Go to the earliest purchase and work your way down the list. It would be like a big xmas lol. And whatever u can't find an immediate use for, give it away / donate it? Well all but the PS5, keep that... Buy Demon's Souls remake... it's awesome.

Edit: As a chef, keep all the kitchen stuff... It will come in handy one day.

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@rich666 said:

I sometimes have a similar problem with books / manga and Steam games... I buy them and never have the time to read / play them. Maybe start chronologically? Go to the earliest purchase and work your way down the list. It would be like a big xmas lol. And whatever u can't find an immediate use for, give it away / donate it? Well all but the PS5, keep that... Buy Demon's Souls remake... it's awesome.

Edit: As a chef, keep all the kitchen stuff... It will come in handy one day.

I’m trying to be better about not buying thing, and that list I had was not even exhaustive. Thanks for the advice, it was very kind.

But, yeah, I think I need to eBay sell some of this stuff or a yard sale. The guitar, model kits, airbrush, second Zojirushi, PS VR, and Boom box I will sell on eBay. My nephew can play electric guitar and he sold his. If he wants that guitar I will gift it too him - he has one of those "beautiful minds" for music where he can play everything.

I'll keep the art, the celebrity autographs, the Laser cutter (it too expensive to sell for what it is worth), the bike, and the PS 5. That laser cutter was meant for crafting stuff to sell at a farmers market in my town. That was the original idea, use my creativity to make some money as a side hustle. Focus on that one hobby, and simplify.

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If you want to send me that PS5 I can help lighten the load weighing down on your heart.

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How much would sell the PSVR for?

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#6  Edited By bigsocrates

It seems like you've bought a lot of stuff you don't need, but I'm not sure how that would make you an asshole. The things that make you an asshole involve hurting other people, not just buying stuff you don't need.

Like who does it hurt that you have a day bed in your house even though you don't have guests?

So all that you really need to figure out is whether these things are providing you some kind of emotional benefit. Some people enjoy buying/collecting stuff even if they don't use them. There are tons of game collectors who don't play most of their collection. If you enjoy buying and having the things then as long as you're not going to go broke...eh.

There are worse uses of money. Some alcoholics spend a huge amount on beer and liquor and have nothing to show for it but wrecked health. Buying an electric guitar you don't use at least isn't actively hurting you.

If you aren't getting anything out of the stuff then stop making the purchases and sell what you can. If you just enjoy having it then keep it. There's stuff I have that I don't use but like having.

If this is causing you anxiety you might want to consider talking to a professional about the behavior and what "hole in your soul" you're trying to fill.

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That's an awesome collection and I do love model kits too!

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#8  Edited By brian_

If it makes you feel any better, I bought a PS VR at launch and have still never paid money for a PS VR game, nor have I played any of the VR games that ended up in my library from whatever PS+ giveaway, for more than about 30 minutes.

I don't think I have any unopened stuff though. I mean, I do have an electric guitar that's at least a decade old that I never learned to play, and a bunch of video games I've never even started, but those are all digital. I just don't have a lot of physical things in general. Don't have room for much of anything. I did have some Bloodborne lithographs that just sat in the poster tubes for years because I was just too lazy to go to the store and buy some cheap ass frames to put them in, but I eventually got them out.

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Sell the laser cutter and a guitar, buy shares - is what somebody smarter than me would say. Me, I say sell them and spend all the money on supreme quality baking ingredients. Might as well get use out of that second breadmaker!

Or, you know, just sell the second breadmaker too and get even more exotic ingredients.

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Buying various things in order to fill a void within your heart.

Been there.

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The good news is I finally moved to my new apartment and have left my old apartment. I put some stuff in storage temporally so that I could divest myself from clutter. My new place is bigger, but I am still going to be selling a ton of stuff. My gold is to not need a storage unit and to get rid of 1/3 of the stuff I have in my new apartment. Sadly, I do need to buy a desk, so MORE stuff but I am trying to balance that will getting rid/selling of stuff and buying less.


I'm keeping my PS5, but I am ripping ISOs of all my old games because that is how I will play them. The PS VR I am going to sell, and I might sell my Dreamcast and PS3 and the physical games for them. The PS and PS2 I'm keeping with their associated games, because those I want to play - to be "legal" anything I rip I'm keeping - everything else goes. I will work very hard this year not buying as many “gadgets”. [If I sell anything on eBay Ill will tell people, without putting the link here. I will put the extact wording of my post on eBay, so you can look up my eBay selling without “advertising” or “linking” here - that should be within the bounds of the rules here.]

Hobby Stuff

I'm keeping most of the hobby stuff as it turns out. The GlowforgeLaser Cutter and exhaust filter I am keeping because it is neat. I am determined to make some money with it, I think I can. The plastic model kits I'm keeping because I would find making those enjoyable. I now have some garage space to paint, so it’s a better situation for hobby stuff.

Computer Stuff

I'm selling my old motherboards and CPUs, or giving them away locally. I have three big boxes that I will send to an electronics recycler to get the gold out of them. I have a literally a tall box 28" x 20" by 8" of wires, cords, and bit of metal I'm dumping. The spare computer stuff was several boxes that I will be glad not be done with.


I'm selling the electric guitar which was a "Covid-19" purchase when I was stuck at home. My nephew has a guitar, so I will just sell it’s to some local kid who would like a cheaper "Yamaha Electric Guitar w/ amp". I’ll selling some kitchen gadgets: Zojirushi Bread Maker and portable dishwasher. Those are some big items. I threw away many of old dishes, bowls, and silverware that were just clutter. I'm selling the boom box, shelf unit stereo, I won't make much but it will be out of my way.

Clothing & Shoes

I'm throwing out or selling clothing, being a cloths horse and a shoe-hound, takes up a ton of space. I am no longer doing any gardening which was also a TON of stuff I had to get off the property of the old apartment.

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Glad to hear you are divesting yourself of those things. No, it does not make you a bad person to have bought it. However, it's good to see you are likely learning from it, and I hope you try to not spend your money on things you won't actually enjoy or engage with in the future.

I feel your struggle. I sold $10K of my retro game collection in the past month, and in the past year I slowed my absolutely ludicrous video game buying habit to a slow trickle. I am better for doing so. It still takes a lot of self-control to stop myself from buying things I don't need, just for collecting's sake.

Stick with it and good luck!