The Wrestle Kingdom card is stacked beyond belief: So why can't I care?

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Hello New Japan fans (All 4 of you on here)

I had a quick look today at the WK card, and by God it looks brilliant

Shingo (The best guy in New Japan) vs Tama Tonga (The worst guy in New Japan)

Hiromu (This last generation's Jr Ace) vs Despy (A potential new reign for a Jr star)

Bishamon (My fave tag team in NJ right now) vs GoD (GoD in name only. ELP is fucking awful)

ZSJ (Awesome) vs Tanahashi (GO ACE)

Ospreay (One of the best workers of his generation) vs Finlay (Who?) vs Moxley (Always thought he was crap)

Okada vs Danielson. Talk about starting the year off with MOTY

and finally,

SANADA vs Naito (Likely to be Naito's final Dome Main Event)

So....looking at the card, it looks bloody aces. Lots of great stars, lots of interesting why am I so bored of it before I've even tuned in?

I suspect a lot is that I've fallen off New Japan pretty badly, with how poor the booking was, and how cold Sanada's reign has been, but another part I dunno.

Is it just me, or does this WK not really have the "Wow Factor" that it's had in the previous few years?

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The shows don't feel special anymore because there's 5 (or 6) star matches basically every week now.

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My husband intentionally showed me this thread just to watch me get irascible over shit talking G.o.D, who are imo one of the best stables in NJPW right now.

Tama Tonga is the worst? In all of NJPW? The fuck?

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@sombre: I feel like NJPW has a real problem with building up hype, both for their matches and their wrestlers. SANADA's rise to the main event as the modern old-school wrestler could have been a great moment and Just 5 Guys is a cool stable, but they kind of have just fumbled the booking. On the other hand, this year's Wrestle Kingdom is so much more hype than last year's, so it could be just your interest ebbing. I know mine has been, especially with my love/hate relationship with NOAH (where NOAH absolutely hates every single person watching the company, but I still love it).

@fladok: On the other hand, because of the inflation of star ratings a contemporary 5 or 6 star match is equal to a 3 to 4 star match of yesteryear, so I wouldn't say the amount of good matches to throwaway matches in weekly shows has changed (except for WWE).

@himbovoorhees: In Tama Tonga's defense, at least he isn't Tanga Loa.

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I completely understand your perspective. On paper, this lineup appears to be outstanding, with some elite talent and possibly exciting matchups. Sometimes, despite appearances, the spark just isn't there; this could be because of the way recent storylines have been handled or because of the buildup.

After such a distinct and intense year, it's also possible that our expectations have changed, or perhaps we're simply searching for something different without even realizing it. That's the way wrestling can be sometimes; our preferences change and promotions don't always follow suit.


David Warner

Purva Aerocity