Will They Ever Make a Good Resident Evil show/movie?

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I gave the new Netflix show a shot (it's really bad) because I've been on a Shinji Mikami kick, and every time I do this to myself I'm baffled as to why this has been such a fucking nightmare of an endeavor. Will they ever pull it off, or have they ran it too far into the ground?

I know RE is stupid as shit lore-wise, but it seems like it would be a slam dunk if they just stopped making so many insane changes? Like these movies are still somehow popular despite being actively reviled by a lot of fans (and being really bad movies, IMO). I know this question is as old as video games, but I'm just kind of shocked that they still haven't managed to do it because it honestly seems like one of the easiest franchises to do. I'd say the problem is that they're too self-serious (from what I've seen), but it's hard to imagine that with some of the dialogue in those things.

Anyway, what do y'all think? I know I should assume it is dead, but every time I do a new movie or show pops up somewhere, and if RE4 Remake is a success, you have to imagine someone is going to try it again.

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#2  Edited By AV_Gamer

It's like you and many other people have said, the main problem is that that they refuse to just follow the story of the games, which a lot of people like, including myself, and want to change things and write their own story. This was the same issue that did Final Fantasy Spirits Within, in. Beautiful CGI at the time, but instead of telling a fantasy story of the games, they went with a science fiction story line that was slow and boring most of the film, so it was no wonder that if flopped and cause Squaresoft film studio to close soon after it opened. The funny thing is, the CGI animated RE movies actually follow the story line of the games and add to the overall lore, which is why all of them are canon within the universe, and they are pretty good on top of that. I don't know if you seen them, but I recommend them if you didn't.

I saw the first season of the now cancelled Netflix series, and while all over the place, I actually liked a lot of it and thought it had potential. It was definitely better than the live-action movies. And Lance Reddick stole the show. I'm mainly sad the series got cancelled because of him. He deserved better.

BTW: There is also a CGI short mini-series RE show on Netflix that further adds to the overall lore. The animation isn't as good as the animated movies, but the story is still decent.

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#3  Edited By dooz

No they won't and it wouldn't be Resident Evil if it wasn't schlocky. Resident Evil is a B movie, if even that, in video game form. They have bad acting and silly premises. What really makes up for it is that silly premises make for fun gameplay. I get that the movies change a lot of stuff but a faithful recreation would still be so dumb. People like schlock in "horror" movies, though.

That being said, a faithful recreation of the first with as many original actors as possible would be Troll 2 levels of funny, as long as they aren't trying to be bad.

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@av_gamer: God, so much this. It affects a bunch of other IPs too:

  • The first Assassin's Creed had basically a perfect movie-ready plot. Instead they made the animus a stupid gigantic crane thing and had some convoluted plot involving a death row inmates and a hidden super-prison rather than sticking with the "normal pharmaceutical company is actually the Illuminati."
  • The Hitman movies just want to do cool action shit rather than focusing on the espionage elements of the series and the relationship between 47 and Diana. I think in one of the movies she's even a villain.
  • Literally everything with Mortal Kombat. I think you could totally do a really cool movie out of that despite how bat-shit the series is. They almost had it in this last one if they'd just focused on the Sub-zero v. Scorpion stuff. But nope, instead we need to have some dorky audience stand-in character for some reason that no one cares about. It's amazing that very first movie, as corny as it is, is the still the best adaptation.

It sucks. Any one of those could be really good if the producer/directors/whatever just used what they were already provided. Things like Castlevania anime prove its possible to do a video game adaptation that's really, really good. You could honestly do so many cool things with Resident Evil.

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Resident Evil needs somebody both willing to and capable of making just the right kind of garbage show. Which strikes me as a tough sell.

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#6  Edited By noobsauce

Um no. The lore is fun for a videogame but does not translate well into any medium save anime because it's ridiculous horseshit. The Jovavich movies are honestly the best you can hope for in terms of quality. They at least understand how ridiculous all of this is and embrace it.

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#7  Edited By theonewhoplays

RE: Damnation is bad but still schlocky fun, but the rest of the CG movies (including the Netflix CG show) are terrible even if they include familiar characters. Leon has the charisma of a rock, the animations are jerky and cheap, with the exception of some action scenes that instead are so obviously choreographed and mocapped they feel more like dance shows than zombie shootouts. The dialogue feels like it was written by Google translate, with zero chemistry between characters and humor that misses every time. Female characters never get to do anything that matters because the producers are in love with Leon, except maybe press a button or getting kidnapped, or getting killed for no thematic reason (Claire and Rebecka are both COMPLETELY wasted) . I could go on. Damnation still has most of these flaws, I just think it's the best one.

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#8  Edited By cikame
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I was just going to post that gif and leave it at that but i actually want to say i do appreciate the Jovovich movies as dumb action flicks, but the CG movies aren't terrible, Vendetta is actually good and weird and insane.

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@theonewhoplays: Of course, you have a right to your opinion, but it seems like you just don't like Leon as a character. He also isn't my favorite, that would be Claire Redfield. The animated movies aren't meant to be masterpiece theater or something a person would compare to the Godfather or Shawshank Redemption. The films capture the same quality of the games in a lot of ways, the person is just watching it instead of playing it.

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#11  Edited By Onemanarmyy

I like some of the OG Resident Evil characters, but the story is lost on me. Sure, you could probably make a decent movie and sprinkle some of the lore in there, but the same goes for most other games that have a story and characters. Sure you could make a Control movie. Or an Alan Wake movie. Or a Plague Tale movie. Or a Dead Space movie. You could do all those things. But you actually have to want to make a quality product. With Resident Evil, it seems like the weird off-shoot products often end up being dodgy, even in the gaming-sphere.

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Meh, the first two movies were fine. It is not like the Resident Evil/BioHazard games were written by William Faulkner, James Baldwin, or Kurt Vonnegut - they are spooky schlock.

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#13 tartyron  Online

Good movie? Probably not. Fun movie that’s totally fine to watch? Already made a few. The subject matter doesn’t quite work shoved into a two hour run time without going fully kookoobananas. If the show didn’t tank, I’d have said it might make a better show than movie, but who knows.

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Meh, the first two movies were fine. It is not like the Resident Evil/BioHazard games were written by William Faulkner, James Baldwin, or Kurt Vonnegut - they are spooky schlock.


Although I would like to see a RE movie directed by Martin Scorsese, with the requisite "Sympathy for the Devil" interjected.