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@bigsocrates: I dont see any way they take the belt off Swerve here. I also don't see any way they let Ospreay lose clean. More than likely some Christian Cage shittery to keep that feud going and set up some kind of brutal stipulation match. Honestly, its Forbidden Door, so i wouldnt expect much of interest to happen at all, with Okada and Ospreay already with the company, i couldnt care less about anyone NJPW provides, baring MAYBE Naito, but they just let Moxley decimate him so other than a clean win an appearance wouldnt so anything to his stock right now. I personally cant stand the lucha style of wrestling, standing around staring at a guy while he tries to balance on a rope long enough to do an actual move where you can catch them. Mystico last night looked horrific, old, and poorly choreographed and brought every section he was involved in to a screeching halt. Hechicero being one exception that AEW would never in a million years let beat one of their own stars. Swerve v Billy Goat is just more AEW booking by the seat of their pants on the fly.

What about the Don Callis angle? WTH is Ospreay with them? Is he even? The most over face guy in the company has SOME association with the most over heel guy in the company, and since Will's first appearance as an AEW employee, the only on screen time theyve even had together was just Will Hobbs looking at Ospreay angry for not wanting him to beat up a defeated opponent. Im actually hoping for some kind of Dusty finish to the title match so we can at least get some resolution to that story. Because if its just, we dont hang out with will anymore but hey we added Trent Barretta!!!!, thats some AEW ass booking. Who knows, maybe theyll introduce 4 new championships between now and then so everything can be champ vs champ. Tony last night killed me, "Of course Okada is the International....excuse me, the Intercontinental champion." Even the announcers dont know who has what belt anymore.

Okada v Ospreay, unification match to get rid on one of those stupid belts, then set Ospreay up for something huge at Wembly. Let Swerve keep killing Christian, then dismantle the Callis family with (ugh) Moxley after a good Takeshita feud. Okada is Okada, let him fight whoever whenever, he doesnt need a belt to make waching his matches worthwhile. Neither does Ospreay, but shoot him to the moon while hes still got it left in his body

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Only for the portables. My first consoles were Genesis then Playstation. But i had Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance and, shudder, even the Virtual Boy

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#3  Edited By cornfed40

@justin258: youre 100% right. I had in my mind 2277 as the show date, but thats when shady sands got nuked, not the show timing

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@justin258: if you watch the credits of that final episode, I don't think the showrunners were implying it was destroyed at all. They show billboards for The Tops casino, and show other things that imply NV is still alive and kicking. Not to mention, the show is set before the events of the game New Vegas anyways. Destroying Shady Sands made perfect sense and didn't bother me at all, until I started thinking with my lizard nerd brain. If the capital of the NCR was destroyed, and the NCR basically ceased to be, then how are they such a big presence still during New Vegas?

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Im just excited to see them reaching New Vegas where a single Alpha Cazador then murders the entire cast in about 15 seconds

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@retris: I would NEVER put a stupid idea past the Old Bucks. But I was really take aback by this quote directly from TK:

“Everyone knows that the most real thing in wrestling is the competition between the companies. The companies hate each other, and it will be a natural resource that powers the industry. They want to beat each other and take everybody's free agents, and that makes it interesting for everybody else."

Tony is fighting an unwinnable war that only exists in his own mind. Last week's episode was the closest to a "yeah, that put the asses in seats" moment weve had in a really long time. I really dont think the companies HATE each other, in the slightest. Nor do I think they "want to take everyone's free agents." Okada and Ospreay were MAJOR hires for AEW, and all theyve done is wrestled every single week since, completely devaluing the "big fight feel" those names carry and overexposing them to the fans that might not have been as knowledgable with their work. His second week in the company Ospreay was fighting Kyle Fletcher on Collision for Gods sake. Did you like that match? How about watching it for an hour at the next PPV?!?!? Dont even get me started on Mercedes. Good to see she still has no rhythm while dancing randomely and cant cut a decently realistic promo. In a company that MIGHT have 4-5 women on the roster good enough to work a full match with Botcha Banks without getting nearly crippled, one of whome is out pregnant, she should have both womens belts in no time after injuring 2/3 of the roster.

Meanwhile Cody has transformed himself from the guy that was getting boo'd by 9,000 strong AEW audiences, few short years latter and he is the most over babyface in the world. Jade debuted at the Rumble, then didnt have her actual first match until Wrestlemania.

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@retris: IDK, this screamed TONY'S IDEA to me. I know kayfabe is dead, and everyone knows these guys are all buddy buddy behind the scenes and talking about video games and all that other nonsense. But i dont know that even in the mind of the Bucks any wrestler would be super happy about footage that just blasts "this shizz is fake as hell dog." Joe pulling a guy away from the dude hes about to wrestle for a title? Hook, who JUST had a match with Perry, holding Jack against the wall trying to calm him down while other people got Punk under control? Absolute zero sum game move on AEW's part, caring more about Tony's looking and coming off as a punk b*&^% than they care about the business

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My weirdo friend in middle school had an SNES and was big on JRPGs, we played most of FF 3 over the course of a long weekend sleepover.

My favorite moments are Kefka poisoning the river, Cyan's loss and then "reunion" with his family, the entire Opera scene, and the fact that there were actual party members that you could completely miss recruiting. These all blew my mind at the time. The closest to a JRPG i had played and enjoyed was the original Suikoden, which i guess in a way has some parts pretty similar to what i enjoyed about FF 3, with Gremio's "farewell" scene and the missable party memebers

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Zero dogs in this race (I don't play online-multiplayer games, I don't like Ubisoft games, I don't care for boats, and I have little opinion on pirates), but I feel like this game needed to undergo a drastic change in something during development, like Borderlands with it's refreshed art style, or Yakuza implementing turn-based combat, and never did.

Admit it. You have SOME opinion on pirates. Doesnt seem like a "take it or leave it" kinda subject lol