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Games Played in 2024

Since 2014 (IT'S BEEN A DECADE!!) I've been documenting every time I play a game and what I thought about it during that session. You can see all the previous lists here.

A session can be anywhere from a few minutes to many hours. Sessions that last longer than one block of time (illustrated below) are counted for each block individually. Sessions that cross over a block (like from 2:30 to 4) count towards the one that more time was spent in.

This will be unedited and likely full of typos and misspellings. The descriptions of my sessions may include story spoilers. Any spoilers will NOT be marked.

Here's the break down of the time of day:

12am to 3am Midnight Noon to 3pm Afternoon
3am to 6am Early Morning 3pm to 6pm Early Evening
6am to 9am Morning 6pm to 9pm Evening
9am to Noon Late Morning 9pm to 12am Late Evening

List items

  • This is for all the various indie games that are not in the wiki yet.


    Santrix -


    Played: 1/17. PC Browser. Early Evening. Enjoyed.

    Watched half a video on this and had to play it! I just messed around with the browser version and had a lot of fun. Really cool game with some interesting strategies. I don't know how deep they could get though.


    Played: 1/18. Midnight.

    Got 91 clears which feels like a lot!


    Played: 1/18. PC Itch. Early Evening.

    Decided to pick it up and it doesn't play much better with a gamepad unfortunately. It is a really cool concept though. I'll probably play it once and while. The paid version is supposed to have more modes, but I didn't notice them.


    Played: 1/19. Early Evening.



    Phenix Currupta -


    Played: 1/20. PC Browser. Late Morning. Neutral.

    This is a very challenging retro metroidvania of sorts. It's not really my sort of game since it has a set jump height and I just can never wrap my brain around that. I might continue to mess around with it though.



    The Adventures of Poppe -


    Played: 1/28. PC Steam. Early Evening. Negative.

    Negative may be a bit strong, but I kept dying in the same place and felt like it this game is probably not for me. I only played like 6 minutes of it according to Steam.



    Cursorblade -


    Played: 1/28. PC Itch. Early Evening. Neutral.

    Watched a video of this game and it seemed nifty and it is, but my computer kept hitching and that made it hard than it should have been.



    Hot Wax -


    Played: 4/16. Mobile. Afternoon. Enjoyed.


    Played: 4/16. Afternoon.

    This is an interesting little tetris variant that I found a little tricky to control right on my phone, but really like the idea behind. I'll probably play it here and there.


    Played: 4/17. Afternoon.



    Tetra Tactics


    Played: 4/20. PC Steam. Afternoon. Neutral.

    This game is an expansion on Triple Triad from FF8. While it has a lot of cool ideas, it just wasn't really grabbing me for whatever reason.


    Played: 4/20. Neutral.

    Finished a run. I don't know if I have the mind for this game to be honest. There's a lot going on that I find hard to keep in check. Cool ideas though.



    Pig Gird (


    Played: 5/5. PC Browser. Late Morning. Enjoyed.

    This is an incredibly clever little game.


    Played: 5/5. Evening


  • Started: 1/1. PC Steam. Early Evening. Enjoyed.

    I wanted to get to this game last year, but didn't make the time. I played through the first two areas and had a blast! This game is great.


    Played: 1/1. Evening.

    Finished up the 2nd world and the Blue Core. I missed ONE Goldy because I couldn't figure out how to get it I'll have to come back for it.


    Played: 1/1. Late Evening.

    Ah HA! I figured out how to get the Goldy I was missing. It was pretty tricky to be honest. Probably the trickiest so far. It was on the stage called "The Wall"


    Played: 1/2. Evening.


    Played: 1/2. Late Evening.

    Finished up Sequence 3. There were some real tricky side puzzles in this one. Having to set everything up beforehand was an interesting twist to be honest.


    Played: 1/3. Late Evening.

    In Sequence 4 and it's getting tough. I wonder if there's a good hint system. There's a "video solution" option, but I kinda don't want to click it. I'm not the biggest fan of these Competition puzzles. I find them hard to wrap my head around. I'm certain missing something.


    Played: 1/5. Early Evening.

    Had to look up some hints for some of the puzzles in Sequence 4, but was able to solve the rest and the Green Orb on my own. Now into Sequence 5. I'm a little disappointed that it went the route with more Others related puzzles since I like just moving the guys around the best, but so far these puzzles have been fun, if a bit easy.


    Played: 1/5. Evening.

    On to Sequence 6. I didn't get all the Goldy in 5 yet though. The Follow stuff seems interesting if a bit fiddly.


    Played: 1/5. Late Evening.

    I got to a level called "Escort Mission" and DO NOT LIKE IT. It is weird how many of these levels are kinda a stealth game. I think this game is best when it's not that though hahaha.


    Played: 1/6. Afternoon.

    Got up to the first Red Core Sequence and it's more stealth stuff which is a little disappointing. I did really love the Yellow Core levels. It is pretty wild that the final one was a straight up boss fight hahaha. This game has a lot of cool spectacle.


    Played: 1/6. Early Evening.

    Accidentally completed the last level of the one Sequence because I didn't have the Goldy walking yet. RIP, I'll have to redo it. I don't know if I'll go back and get all the Goldy, some of the are real annoying. But I am enjoying this game quite a bit.


    Finished: 1/6. Evening.

    The fight against the Red Core was kinda whatever. More of the same. I did jump into the user made levels and they seem cool. I ended with 5 Goldy still missing. I might go back and collect those or play more user levels. This game was very good.


    Played: 1/6. Late Evening.

    Jumped into some of the user levels. Just did the top rated ones that were on my dashboard. They were a mixed bag. One was very clever but most of them were kinda whatever or very tedious.


  • Started: 1/7. PC Steam. Afternoon. Enjoyed.

    This game is a lot of fun. I like the writing, voice acting (english), and the combat is real good. I do tend to just be overly aggressive which often doesn't work out for me. I'm also still waiting for an encounter that is long chains of parrying against a single opponent. I'm currently in the second episode. Looks like there are 4 episodes.


    Played: 1/7. Early Evening.

    Finished up Episode 3. That was the boss fight I was looking for. Too many tries. The Episode 2 boss battle was also pretty good, but not as interesting. The dueling mechanics really shined in that fight. There was a point in Episode 3 where some mini-boss type guy shows up and was like "I will not fall for your tricks!" but I happened to have a turkey on hand and lured him over to a weapon rack, threw the turkey to stun him and kicked him into the rack, one-shotting him. It was very funny.

    This is one of those games where you could say something like "This is a like a PS2 game (complimentary)". It's focused on what it is while still exploring the possibilities. It doesn't take itself too seriously, while also being sincere.


    Finished: 1/7. Evening.

    This game was a good time. The last episode does a sort of boss gauntlet thing where you refight the bosses from the previous episodes with various twists. I didn't mention it before, but the environmental art is really nice. They have this painting shader for stuff that's off in the distance. It looks real nice! That final encounter was tough, but a lot of fun still. I don't think I'll check out the arena mode. This has been a good way to spend a Sunday.


  • Played: 1/7. PC Itch. Late Evening. Enjoyed.

    This is one of my favorite games ever. Unfortunately due to a harddrive failure I lost my highscores so it was a bit melancholy coming back to it. The rust is still there but I was able to get 6.7 million in Endless mode, which is about a 10th of my actual high score.


  • Played: 1/8. PC Steam. Late Evening. Enjoyed.

    Going through the 2nd DLC stuff.


    Played: 1/10. Late Evening.

    Going through more the 2nd DLC stuff. Unlocked Sammy, but can't afford it.


    Played: 1/12. Evening.


    Played: 1/14. Midnight.

    Attempting to unlock all the cards. I have one more to good!


    Played: 1/14. Afternoon.


    Played: 1/14. Late Evening.

    Attempting to unlock everything in v1.0 and I have two more things on the list. Survive 31 minutes in the Tower and Banish 20 weapons.


    Played: 1/15. Late Evening.

    OK, All I needed was the Tower one, which I was able to do in Endless mode. Now I've unlocked everything in v1.0 and have moved on to finishing up the 2nd DLC. I have the two characters unlocked from the Abyss and just got the hyper mode of that level.


    Played: 1/28. Evening.


  • Started: 1/11. PC Steam. Evening. Enjoyed.

    I liked the other Momodora games so of course I was going to pick this one up. So far, it's a lot more melancholy? I only played up to where I have to find the Fairy village though.


    Played: 1/11. Evening.


    Played: 1/11. Late Evening.

    Met the Fairy Queen. She is very big. This game is very pretty and I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far. I think it plays better than 4. I'm also playing it on Easy with adaptive difficulty so that might be why I'm having a pretty easy time with it, but still...


    Played: 1/12. Evening.

    Found the Black Bell and teleport Cat. This game has been quite good. I do wish I had a fourth card slot though.


    Played: 1/12. Late Evening.

    I must be getting close to the end of this game because I've gotten some achievements for stuff like "collect every X" already. It doesn't really feel like I'm nearing an end though.


    Finished: 1/13. Afternoon

    Beat the game! It was very good. I did have it on easy and maybe that was too easy. But ah well. I did get 110%, so there's a companion and relic out there somewhere that I missed. I didn't go back and talk with the fairies or one lady so that's probably it. I'm not going to do that.


  • Started: 1/13. PC Steam. Late Evening. Enjoyed.

    This game is a metroidvania mixed with some adventure game stuff. It uses a number system from 14th century monks that I recognized from a social media post from a few years ago. The combat seems kinda bad so far because there's a stiffness to the movement, though I did just come from Momodora 5 so there's there's that. Still the game seems cool.


    Played: 1/20. Afternoon.

    I got stuck for a while after finding the edittable key and device, but after that I've been exploring a lot. This game is really cool so far. I'm really enjoying it.


    Played: 1/20. Early Evening.

    I imagine I'm pretty far in this game. Maybe about 50~60%. There's a lot to explore and I have almost gotten all my tattoos. So far the mystery hasn't really grabbed me but the exploration and puzzles are rad as hell.


    Played: 1/20. Late Evening.


    Played: 1/21. Midnight.

    I was wondering around areas trying to find where to go, really filling out the map. Then I realized I hadn't when to one place. I figured it would be a little side thing, but NOPE it was the main story. haha. Now I've continued and found myself in a time-loop thing with the inquisitor where I have to slowly get back my abilities each loop.


    Played: 1/21. Afternoon.

    I feel like I've gotten through most of the Wife's limbo from what I can see. There's still a lot of puzzles there that I don't think I can solve yet. Like the Tarot ones and the rift at the start. I still have a lot of the Father's limbo to go through now that I have the gun that shoot through the purple walls.


    Finished: 1/21. Early Evening.

    The final boss was a bit annoying. Particularly the final phase. I did get all the achievements but one and I'm not going to go back for it. They definitely seem to be setting up for a sequel though.

    All and all I enjoyed my time with this game. It's a bit rough but it has some cool ideas and I really liked it's map system.


  • Played: 1/21. PC Steam. Late Evening. Enjoyed.

    I haven't really played a game like this since Minecraft a decade ago and despite the negative press around the devs I decided to check it out. The single player is fine. I'm having fun but it's pretty mindless fun. It's a podcast game for me so far. I've mainly just been sticking to my base making stuff so it can be self-sufficient. I need to find a pal that can chop wood.


    Played: 1/23. Early Evening.


    Played: 1/23. Evening.

    I did a dungeon and stuff. This game is not great, but it's OK enough. I did unlock some assembly line stuff sooo....


    Played: 1/25. Evening.

    I have a second base now. I guess I could just go and explore instead. I should probably do that, but I just get stuck in the "build build build" mode. The structure building of this game is really bad and awkward. You often have to build temporary stuff so you can remove other stuff.


    Played: 1/27. Early Evening.

    Explored the world more and defeated the first boss tower thing.


    Played: 1/27. Evening.


  • Started: 1/28. PC Steam. Late Evening. Enjoyed.

    I was a big fan of the original and decided to pick this up even though it wasn't on sale. So far it's very slow but I'm enjoying it. It changed quite a bit mechanically.


    Played: 1/29. Early Evening.


    Played: 1/29. Evening.

    Did Celine's cave quest and recruited her, then just went sicko mode in the crafting stuff.


    Played: 1/29. Late Evening.

    In full sicko mode. I'm grinding out raising Rena's pickpocketing so I can steal an item by cooking and feeding her a bunch of seafood. Unfortunately she doesn't have any good pickpocketing skills unlike Claude and Celine!!! I did get A TON of money just completing quests though. This game is just asking you to break it.


    Played: 1/30. Early Evening.

    Stuffing Rena full of FISH. She still has a 0% chance to steal!!


    Played: 1/30. Evening.

    Not just fed Rena FISH but also did some dang FISHING!


    Played: 1/30. Late Evening.

    Ok, so I did get her Pickpocketing to like level 5 but still had a 0% chance to get the item. However I got it on my SECOND TRY! I wonder if the chance for it is actually a lot higher.

    Then I went ahead and finished up Marze.


    Played: 2/1. Late Evening.

    Long session. Too busy doing crafting and junk. Did the optional mountain place for no real reason other than to get some levels. Now in Lacuer.


    Played: 2/2. Late Evening.


    Played: 2/3. Midnight.

    Did the tournament stuff and recruited Opera and Welch. Then tried to roll Goode Boxes to get good items but couldn't really get what I wanted.


    Played: 2/3. Late Morning.


    Played: 2/3. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/3. Early Evening.

    Just got to Ell. My party is Rena, Opera, Ernest, Celine, Dias, Welch, and Claude. No Bowman ore Precis because they suck and I want to get Chasto when I get to Nede.


    Played: 2/3. Evening.


    Played: 2/3. Late Evening.


    Played: 2/4. Midnight.

    In Energy Nede. Got my dragon and am now visiting towns before doing dungeons.


    Played: 2/4. Late Morning.


    Played: 2/4. Afternoon.

    Did some PAs and got the Orb of Courage. the Corbage.


    Played: 2/4. Evening.

    Got the Orb of Wisdom.


    Played: 2/5. Midnight.

    I looked up a guide to about weapons and had to check if I could make one. Unfortunately I couldn't, but then I looked at the challenge list and decided to take care of a few.

    ...I might 100% this game...


    Played: 2/6. Late Evening.


    Played: 2/7. Midnight.

    Nearing the end. Annoyed I missed some of the earlier special spots since I'm at 29 and I need 30 for Chisato's best weapon. Dang.


    Played: 2/7. Evening.


    Played: 2/7. Late Evening.

    In the final dungeon. Lost to the Second of the Ten Wise Men fight. Which was surprising considering how powerful I am otherwise.


    Played: 2/10. Early Evening.


    Played: 2/10. Evening.

    Beat the game and got some endings, now to do the POST GAME. I did three levels of the Trials on VR Expel.


    Played: 2/15. Late Evening.

    Went around doing about 8 Raid Bosses. Did more of the arena and now I'm half way through the Maze of Trails. My guys are real strong!! But they could be STRONGER


    Played: 2/16. Late Evening.

    Getting to the bottom of the Maze. Got so much good stuff. I'm at the point where I need to do something with just two characters.


    Played: 2/17. Afternoon.

    Got to the final boss of the Maze and it kicked my ass. haha. not surprising. Then I went and got all the fish!!


    Played: 2/17. Early Evening.

    Completed the Maze and am now grinding to get to the max level. Decided to just use the Bloody Armor strat.


    Finished: 2/17. Evening.

    Beat the true final boss, though it said "the Truth hasn't been fully revealed..." It has for me!! I really enjoyed this remake and going back to this game after like 25 years. I did not 100% everything but I did what I set out to do!


  • Played: 2/9. Mobile. Late Evening. Enjoyed.


    Played: 2/10. Late Morning.

    Decided to pick this up on mobile after watching Smight play it a whole bunch. it works pretty well on mobile to be honest. I was able to beat it once!


    Played: 2/10. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/10. Early Evening.


    Played: 2/11. Early Evening.


    Played: 2/11. Evening.


    Played: 2/11. Late Evening.


    Played: 2/12. Midnight.


    Played: 2/12. Morning.


    Played: 2/12. Late Morning.


    Played: 2/12. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/12. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/13. Morning.


    Played: 2/13. Late Morning.


    Played: 2/13. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/13. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/13. Early Evening.


    Played: 2/14. Late Morning.


    Played: 2/14. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/14. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/14. Early Evening.


    Played: 2/14. Evening.


    Played: 2/14. Late Evening.


    Played: 2/15. Late Morning.


    Played: 2/15. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/15. Early Evening.


    Played: 2/15. Early Evening.


    Played: 2/16. Late Morning.


    Played: 2/16. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/16. Early Evening.


    Played: 2/18. Late Morning.

    Had a really good Balwirk/Self Damage run.


    Played: 2/20. Evening.


    Played: 2/23. Morning.


    Played: 2/23. Late Morning.


    Played: 2/24. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/27. Late Evening.


    Played: 2/28. Afternoon.


    Played: 2/29. Late Morning.


    Played: 3/1. Morning.


    Played: 3/1. Late Morning.


    Played: 3/1. Afternoon.


    Played: 3/1. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/6. Late Morning.


    Played: 3/6. Afternoon.


    Played: 3/6. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/7. Morning.


    Played: 5/31. Early Evening.


  • Played: 3/1. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/2. Midnight.


    Played: 3/2. Afternoon.


    Played: 3/2. Early Evening.


    Played: 3/2. Evening.


    Played: 3/2. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/3. Afternoon.


    Played: 3/3. Early Evening.


    Played: 3/3. Evening.


    Played: 3/3. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/4. Early Evening.


    Played: 3/4. Evening.


    Played: 3/4. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/5. Early Evening.


    Played: 3/5. Evening.


    Played: 3/5. Evening.


    Played: 3/5. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/6. Evening.


    Played: 3/6. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/7. Midnight.


    Played: 3/8. Midnight.


    Played: 3/9. Late Morning.


    Played: 3/10. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/17. Early Evening.


    Played: 3/23. Late Morning.


    Played: 3/23. Afternoon.


    Played: 3/24. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/26. Evening.


    Played: 4/7. Midnight.


    Played: 4/7. Afternoon.


    Played: 4/7. Early Evening.


    Played: 4/7. Evening.


    Played: 4/8. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/4. Late Morning.


    Played: 5/4. Early Evening.


    Played: 5/4. Evening.


    Played: 5/5. Evening.


    Played: 5/5. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/11. Late Evening. Neutral.

    I uninstalled this game again.


    Played: 5/28. Late Evening.

    I kinda hate playing this game but also like when Numbers.


    Played: 5/29. Early Evening.


    Played: 5/29. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/30. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/31. Midnight.


    Played: 5/31. Midnight.


    Played: 5/31. Afternoon.


    Played: 5/31. Late Evening.


    Played: 6/1. Late Morning.


    Played: 6/1. Early Evening.


  • Hellbound:

    Played: 3/7. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Late Evening.

    They added some new stuff, but reset all the progress. The early game still feels really rough.


  • Played: 3/9. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Afternoon.


    Played: 3/9. Early Evening.

    Finally decided to get back to my old save after about a year and half.


    Played: 3/9. Late Evening.


    Played: 3/10. Midnight.


    Played: 3/10. Afternoon.


    Finished: 3/10. Early Evening.

    Beat the main story. Still gotta go back and do the DLC. I bumped it down to easy just to get through it, but I really enjoyed this as a mega fan of the original.


    Played: 3/15. Late Evening.

    Started the Yuffie DLC. It seems a lot harder than the base game.


    Played: 3/16. Early Evening.

    Doing sidequests! Fort Condor!


  • Started: 3/13. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Evening.

    I got the backer closed beta and I played a little bit of this. I'm really liking it so far and have a lot more to say about it, but I'm sleepy.


    Played: 3/14. Late Evening.

    I'm passed the intro and now the game was like "Go find and recruit people," and it seems to have really opened up. Like I can just leave the main town and go anywhere, maybe? Also it seems like you can only save at inns or save points, which is an uhhh interesting throwback.


    Played: 3/15. Late Morning.


    Played: 3/15. Early Evening.


    Played: 4/26. Evening.


    Played: 4/26. Late Evening.

    Now playing the full release. I'm really glad my progress carried over. I just went through the mine dungeon. It was pretty long. Probably too long since it wasn't super interesting, but I wasn't expecting interesting dungeons from this game. What has been great is the character writing.


    Played: 4/27. Evening.


    Played: 4/27. Late Evening.


    Played: 4/27. Late Evening.


    Played: 4/28. Midnight.

    This game is pretty much exactly what I wanted it. It has some roughness and questionable choices (like only being able to save at inns/save points), but I'm really enjoying the story and the world so far.


    Played: 4/28. Afternoon.


    Played: 4/28. Early Evening.

    Went through the Proving Grounds and thought I couldn't leave so I had a real tough time with both bosses. Couldn't beat the 2nd one and had to reload, which was before the first one. Then I decide to confirm if I couldn't leave and realized I was wrong. So I went back and restocked a lot of my stuff. Then had little issue with things. That dungeon was pretty cool.


    Played: 4/28. Late Evening.


    Played: 4/29. Midnight.

    Went back to the starting area and recruited a bunch of folks from there. Did the two mini games. I'm not very good at the beyblade one but I think that's just because I need better tops. The ones they start you with aren't very competitive. I like the card game more.

    Progressing the story and, gosh, I'm just really here for everything. I love the characters. I'm so glad that Nowa is not silent. He has so much good personality even if it's a bit generic hero boy. It's just so incredible that they released a PS1 game in 2024.


    Played: 4/30. Early Evening.

    I was so close to getting teleportation in my previous session and now I have it so WOOOOOO~~~!!!


    Played: 5/1. Evening.

    So by going off and doing other stuff instead of continuing the story, I think they added some dialogue that was like "Why did you make the King wait so long?" which is pretty good. I don't know if that's 100% the case though.

    I did do a lot of fishing trying to get the fish for the fisherman since he unlocks so many other upgrades!!!

    I'm also getting better at the beyblades mini game since I was told what the rps mechanic actually is. I also really like the card minigame.


    Played: 5/5. Late Morning.


    Played: 5/5. Afternoon.


    Played: 5/5. Early Evening.

    Long session. Looked up some recruitment guides so I can make sure I have all the characters and I only missed a few. The accessory bird was very annoying since he requires a 5% drop that just wasn't happening for me. Did get a lot of mystic lumber from the grind though.

    Then had a tough war battle, but won in the end. I'm really liking this game. It's pretty much everything I wanted.


    Played: 5/5. Late Evening.

    I'm now at a point where I can switch between Nowa and Seign and that seems pretty cool. I have to go to a desert city but what I'm going to do instead is RECRUITMENT


    Played: 5/16. Late Evening.

    Finally getting back to this game after falling into a Hades 2 hole. Just did some stuff that I remembered from the guide.


    Played: 5/17. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/18. Midnight.

    Back on the recruitment grind. Got Isla from Rising and her voice direction is weird, which is a shame, but she seems really good in battle. Also tried the little thief girl and the spellsword kid and they both suck haha. I do like the nercomancer girl though.

    I unlocked Eggfoot Racing and that shit rules. I love it! I keep wanting to call it Eggbug Racing though.


    Played: 5/18. Afternoon.

    Continued with the story and I love these sand sharks. They're a lot of fun.


    Played: 5/18. Early Evening.


    Played: 5/18. Evening.

    Finished up pretty much everything with Nowa and switched to Seign but he doesn't have the run fast accessory and is SO SLOW.


    Played: 5/18. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/19. Midnight.

    Finished up Seign's chapter and upgraded my Castle to lvl 3 and unlocked almost everything in it.


    Played: 5/19. Late Morning.


    Played: 5/19. Afternoon.

    Have Marisa now and fought some dragons. Trying to recruit the trader but it looks like there's a cooldown on the restocking. Gonna hold all my stuff until I see double arrows.


    Played: 5/19. Late Evening.

    We got a Neclord guy!


    Played: 5/24. Late Evening.

    I'm at a point where I have to make three parties and my strat of completely unequiping everyone is bad for this. I had to reload my save from before and go through and prepare. I saved before finalizing stuff as I'm Sleepy.


    Played: 5/25. Afternoon.

    I got my parties sorted and likely didn't need to go through this trouble, but we'll see. Still trying to do some trading, but just haven't gotten those sweet sweet double blue arrows much.


    Played: 5/25. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/26. Midnight.

    Got around to recruiting CJ! She seems really good. Continued with the story before that. I am having trouble recruiting Clarke, the theater guy, and Hogan the Trader.


    Played: 5/26. Afternoon.


    Played: 5/26. Early Evening.

    Was able to get Clarke. I also did the first of the secret room challenges and that boosted me nearly to level 60. Now I'm being a sicko and made a spreadsheet of all the trading items and their buy/sell values for each location. Gotta do the Data Science!!!


    Played: 5/26. Evening.

    Played through a very long story section that appears to be towards the end of the game. Still have a lot folks to recruit though, so I will probably try to do that ASAP.


    Played: 5/26. Late Evening.

    Extremely in the end game. Now I'm doing all the everything I can haha. Cooking, recruitment, etc. I gotta do beyblades but I finally got some rank three ones so hopefully I'll be able to crush people. I don't really understand the rules of that mini game too well. And I gotta try to get Scarlett!! the Racing is so wonky. But I think I only have like 6 or so people left to recruit.


    Played: 5/27. Late Morning.


    Played: 5/27. Late Morning.

    Finished Momo's quest. He's a weirdo.


    Played: 5/27. Late Evening.


  • Started: 3/22. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Evening.

    Playing this with my partner. Once she knew what was going on she was really into it. I have watched a stream of it while ago, but don't really remember too much about it.


    Played: 3/25. Evening.


    Played: 3/30. Late Evening.


    Finished: 4/5. Early Evening.

    We finished the main game! My partner really liked, but not as much as some of the folks in reviews she read. We're considering getting the DLC.


  • Played: 3/23. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Early Evening.

    Played this with my 11 year old nephew. He seemed to enjoy it. He thought the Baz was OP. haha


  • Started: 3/30. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Midnight.

    I actually bought this and refunded a few days ago, but then I realized I could try it on GeForce Now to see how it runs. So I bought it again to give it a shot and got a day pass. It runs pretty good! It did disconnect me the first time I was in the character creator which was annoying but other than that I hadn't any issues.


    Played: 3/30. Late Morning.


    Played: 3/30. Afternoon.


    Played: 3/30. Early Evening.

    Had a very long session of this where I went through to the Capital then back to Melve to explore and do quests there.


    Played: 3/30. Evening.

    Explored a cave in the north of the map that was massive and had some lich and chimera that I couldn't beat.


    Played: 3/31. Midnight.

    Bought a house.


    Played: 3/31. Afternoon.

    Did a bunch of the main quest stuff to unlock the other vocations. I'll probably wait until I massive Fighter before I switch to anything though.


    Played: 3/31. Early Evening.

    Tried to do a quest in the gaol and they kept trying to arrest me. I think I misunderstood something about it. haha.


    Played: 3/31. Late Evening.


    Played: 4/1. Midnight.

    Did the Nameless Village stuff, fought a weird dragon with growths on it, then a sickly woman attacked me when I brought her son home to her.


    Played: 4/3. Late Evening.

    Had a kinda frustrating time with this game, maybe I'm just too tired at the moment.


    Played: 4/4. Evening.

    Had an abbess arrested and saved a kid.


    Played: 4/6. Afternoon.


    Played: 4/6. Early Evening.

    I'm at a point where I'm not really sure what to do. I appear to have a Point of No Return with the Disa stuff. So I kinda want to do as much side stuff as I can around the capital. I did meet Wilhelmina and apparently there are side quests for her, but I think I have to spend a lot of time sleeping with her employees to unlock them.


    Played: 4/7. Midnight.

    Walked all the way to the elven village assuming there would be a fast travel point there but there wasn't. Also the archer guy wasn't there. I found him in the Capital after I had walked there. Whoops.


    Played: 4/7. Evening.


    Played: 4/7. Late Evening.


    Played: 4/13. Afternoon.

    The Game crashed so I stopped playing. But other than that I made my way to the southern nation and have been exploring the capital down there. Unlocked the Trickster class but I don't think I'll switch to it. Right now I'm going to go see if I can unlock Magic archer.


    Played: 4/13. Evening.


    Played: 4/13. Late Evening.

    Got Magic Archer!! It seems really cool. I like it better than regular archer for sure. I don't think I'll be using the healing moves from it though. They seem cool, but only having four slots really limits what I could do.


    Played: 4/14. Afternoon.

    The game seems to consistently crash at the Vocation Guild menu for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm playing through GeForce Now? I can't say. More Magick Archer, and it's cool, but enemies tend to target the player character so it's different to use well. I have my main pawn, Lily, as a Fighter now and will give her provoke to help with that.


    Played: 4/14. Evening.


    Played: 4/14. Late Evening.

    I think I might be at the end of the game? I got the godsway sword from the research and the ghost man said "If you do this quest you're at the point of no return!" I suppose it feels like I'm getting to a resolution, but there also feels like there's a lot of side stuff left to do. I went back to Melve and freed them. Now they're all going to join Ulrika in Harve. I guess I should probably go down there and fight the drake. I want to go through a cave I found at the north because it kicked my ass and I think I can do it no problem now.


    Played: 4/14. Late Evening.

    Had a cute scene with Ulrika that was very sweet. Tried to fight the drake outside Harve, but it ran away!!! Very annoying.


    Played: 4/16. Evening.


    Played: 4/16. Late Evening.

    The title screen changed!! I now have to build a town, I guess. Also I destroyed the Dragon with a single Martyr's Shot.


    Played: 4/18. Late Evening.


    Finished: 4/19. Midnight.

    Completed the game!! Hell of a good ending sequence! I really liked this game. I think I'm a Dragon's Dogma 2 sicko actually. It's late and I'm sleepy so I won't go into too much now, but WOOOOOO!


  • Played: 4/9. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Evening.


    Played: 4/9. Late Evening.

    My partner and I got back to this game and went through Edanna. It was not a super difficult age but still pretty cool.


  • Played: 4/21. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Late Evening.

    This game has been sitting in my "too play" list for a while and I bought it a few months ago. Finally check it out. It seems like a pretty interesting StS-like so far.


    Played: 4/22. Late Evening.


    Played: 4/23. Midnight.

    Got my first victory, hey when did it become 1am?


    Played: 4/23. Early Evening.

    Victory with the 3rd character. I hate to say "this game is easy actually" but my StS experience must really help in understanding it. My partner did look over and assumed I was playing StS2 hahaha. She was like "did they sue? This game looks exactly like that one!"


    Played: 4/24. Early Evening.

    Turtle Tea witch seems cool, but I lost the run.


    Played: 4/24. Late Evening.


    Played: 4/25. Midnight.

    Can't seem to get a win with Tea Witch.


    Played: 4/25. Late Evening.


    Played: 4/26. Midnight.

    Won again with the main lady and frog man. I was just doing the same strat I found earlier. Courage and block build. I was basically invincible once I got it going.


  • Started: 5/6. PC Steam. Enjoyed. Afternoon.


    Played: 5/6. Early Evening.


    Played: 5/6. Evening.

    Ok so, this is the big game of the month. It's very good, but it's also considerably more complicated that the original and I don't know if that's for the better. Not only is the combat more involved since you have an attack, special, and cast, like in the original, they now each have their own charge action. Then you also have your hex and dash attack. Meaning that you have at least 8 different types of offensive actions opposed to the original's 4.

    The new Dark Mirror equivalent is interesting as it takes inspiration from deck-builders, but there's perhaps too much nuance to it.

    Anyway, I've gotten to the 2nd area boss and had Chronos teleport back to Asphodel once. Every thing is fantastic, even though you can see the bits that are incomplete.


    Played: 5/6. Evening.


    Played: 5/6. Late Evening.

    There's a LOT of game here already. Outside of some temp art, I gotta wonder what they're going to add.

    Anyway, I now have the frog following me around.


    Played: 5/7. Early Evening.


    Played: 5/7. Evening.

    Got to the first boss of the surface. That area is interesting. That boss is HARD.


    Played: 5/7. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/8. Midnight.

    Whoops, played until 1am. Unlocked Hera and weapon aspects though.


    Played: 5/8. Early Evening.


    Played: 5/8. Evening.


    Played: 5/8. Late Evening.

    Got to Chronos, and almost beat the first phase, but couldn't. I upgraded the basic Skull a bunch and that was very good.

    Other than that I'm stuck on the surface. I think the boss there needs a lot of balancing to be honest. It's very hard to see all their AOE garbage and that's all they do.


    Played: 5/9. Early Evening.


    Played: 5/9. Evening.

    I beat the Surface 1 boss finally. Now I have a cat friend!


    Played: 5/9. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/10. Midnight.

    Tried the one Flame Aspect that causes the special to detonate the attack and it was really good. Almost got to Chronus with it. The cat is very cute and very much like a cat.


    Played: 5/10. Late Evening.

    Almost beat the first phase of Chronus. I think I'm going to stop playing once I beat him once.


    Played: 5/11. Midnight.

    Beat Eris! No more of the surface in this version yet.


    Played: 5/11. Afternoon.


    Played: 5/11. Early Evening.

    Almost beat Chronos but I don't full understand the 2nd phase yet. He hit me with something that dealt 999!

    I was generating over 4000+ Scorch damage with all my boons. The only reason I lost is due to unfamiliarity with the encounter.


    Played: 5/11. Late Evening.

    Finally got Apollo again and beat Eris again.


    Played: 5/12. Midnight.

    Tried one of the Skull aspects and it was weird. It took me a long time to get the hang of. I did get to Eris though.


    Played: 5/12. Midnight.

    Tried a trial and failed. Was playing like crap.


    Played: 5/12. Late Morning.

    Playing like shit today...


    Played: 5/12. Evening.

    I had the best build yet but still got killed by his 999 attack, dang.


    Played: 5/12. Late Evening.

    Almost got him! he was down to like 25% but I didn't react quick enough and he got me.


    Played: 5/13. Evening.


    Played: 5/13. Late Evening.

    I had my best run yet and LOST. I got to phase 2 with full health, 4 death defies, and still LOST. ARRRRGH!

    My next run was BAD but I did get to Chronus. I'm definitely getting better at this game.


    Played: 5/15. Late Evening.


    Played: 5/16. Midnight.

    FINALLY BEAT CHRONOS! I was playing a lot safer and had stuff that really boosted my damage a ton. Now I can put this game down for now.


    Played: 5/21. Late Evening.

    Did a run with the Axe. Almost beat Chronos.
