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I made Golfinite on steam!

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  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Issue 67.

    I tried the prime ice pop flavour too. I wasn't prepared for how sweet it was either, even after hearing it was super sweet. It made me a little nauseous too. It's hard to know for sure, but perhaps ...

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Games of the Year, 2023.

    My game made a game of the year list!? That makes me so happy! And you're the one who suggested the additional putting distance? Thank you so much for that, it really did make the game a lot better!I ...

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post FINALE.

    This was just so amazing. So much fun watching this

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post 825: FOOTLONG FRIDAYS.

    Didn't cover the BIGGEST news this week (for me), my game Golfinite is coming to switch on Feb 9th! LETS GO! It's okay though, Jeff Grubb would have missed it too, and you did a fantastic job Jan!

  • pmurph03 posted a message in the forum topic Tamoor Hussain's Top Games of 2023. on the Giant Bomb Game of the Year 2023 board

    Lies of P was shockingly good! Now I've just got to get back and finish it.

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Dan Went to Wrestlemania!.

    Dan "McMahon" Ryckert, the physical representation of twitter, asking the hard hitting questions out here today

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Grubbsy 3D - Part 7.

    I'm also getting voice mail dump truck, not sure why. Tried to see if I could figure out from the console, but then I found the konami code pac-man in the network responses and got distracted, but the...

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post 765: Big Corn's Pocket.

    Wow @jeffgrubb is out here single handedly determining the outcome of hockey games! HOW DOES HE DO IT!?

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Pokemon Scarlet/Violet.

    Granted I haven't played fully through any pokemon since.... pokemon red. Arceus got me back into pokemon, and I also picked this one up too. It's been fantastic so far! But maybe I'm lucky that I hav...

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post 47.

    those are some scorn crocs

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Garage Talk 3 (04/21/2021).

    Nothin like watching someone sort mixed garbage into sorted garbage. I believe in your ability to throw some of it away. You can do it Jeff!

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Balan Wonderworld.

    I feel like if the levels were not linear it would work a lot better, having to collect stars/trophies in linear levels to unlock the next set of levels doesn't work super well.

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Jan 'n' Juice - Loop Hero.

    I enjoyed this game quite a bit. This is also completely the opposite from how I played this game. I was always fighting the boss by at the latest loop 8. Your way definitely is a much more chill mor...

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day Two.

    Solid best multiplayer lineup. Never been much of a game music person since I'm usually a person who turns the music slider to 0 and has something else on the 2nd monitor going, but it's nice hearing...

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post 667: Sega to Make New Genesis!.

    @kamasamak: A pizza pocket is to panzerottis what sliders are to burgers.

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post The Worst Song of the '90s.

    I'll still listen to a top 90s playlist because those were my prime radio listening years so I know all the catchy lyrics to the hit songs.At least it looks like we can all agree that:1. This is objec...

  • pmurph03 posted a message on the post Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels XII.

    I'm hoping they find a way for brad to more easily access and play world A-D