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  • czarship posted a message in the forum topic Bombathon Giveaway - Worst Game of 2021 Edition. on the General Discussion board

    12 Minutes messed me up lol

  • czarship posted a message on the post Resident Evil Village.

    I'll miss y'all, thanks for letting us into your conversations over the past decade and change

  • czarship posted a message on the post 684: Brad's Leaving.

    F <>

  • czarship posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 391.

    Despite its faults, I'm actually loving Cyberpunk on PS5 and think it looks pretty good for what is technically a PS4 game. Ironically, patch 1.05 that claims to fix a very long list of bugs just hit ...

  • czarship posted a message on the post 665: It'z Fun!.

    I feel like hate for Cyberpunk online is overblown. While GB continues to rail against it, I've been enjoying the hell out of it. Personally, I'm not racing through the game and am loving every minute...

  • czarship posted a message on the post Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit.

    Shout out to the asian squat at the end! Represent

  • czarship posted a message on the post BOO(ze)!: Hausu.

    More sync spots please! I got out of sync too >.<

  • czarship posted a message on the post Episode 10.

    Hahaha omg it actually happened!

  • czarship posted a message in the forum topic So Microsoft just bought Bethesda. on the General Discussion board

    I'm a little confused. Does this mean Microsoft now also owns the development studios that work with Bethesda Softworks such as iD, Arkane, & other ZeniMax devs?

  • czarship posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 365.

    Fantastic episode, thanks!

  • czarship posted a message on the post Yet Another Hot Thursday! Your Steam Requests Fulfilled.

    What's up with the comments. I only came here to show my support for Rorie and Ben getting married bc they're chemistry is so great and unique.Ben is often more powerful than he realizes, turning his ...

  • czarship posted a message on the post 01/10/2020.

    @vinny @alex disable "designer's cut" as it limits dialogue for faster runs

  • czarship posted a message on the post DAAAANNNNNNN!!!!.

    F. I grew to enjoy Dan's wild antics and thought he brought a very nice dynamic to the East coast crew. You will be missed

  • czarship posted a message on the post Fleshing Out the Inside Collector's Edition.

    Remember this was $375 and was delayed by a year. I'd be pissed lol

  • czarship posted a message on the post 609: Terry Bogard 2020.

    @epidehl: Can someone fill me in on what line they're referring to? I've likely passed it but have heard so much laughable dialogue I'm not sure exactly what they're referring to

  • czarship posted a message on the post Episode 233.

    5 6 7 8 don't you think this song is great?

  • czarship posted a message on the post 10/04/2019.

    Rorie mugging to the wrong camera hahaha

  • czarship posted a message on the post Episode 04.

    Leave the room is hilarious until it happens to your favorite "character" at the beginning of an episode lol