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Average score of 199 user reviews

Best Super Monkey Ball experience since the brilliant SMB2 0

After the brilliance of Super Monkey Ball and its fantastic sequel, it seems Sega cannot hit the right note with the series any more, especially on the handheld, where the franchise has yet to supply a good enough game worthy of the Super Monkey Ball label. The last release, which was on the 3DS, was an extremely dumbed-down version, with challenging levels completely out of the equation because of the inclusion of safety barriers. The design seemed to be implemented this way to support gyro con...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Painkiller: Hell & Damnation is a fun blast to the past 0

I always find myself getting a little giddy when a new first-person shooter (FPS) comes along that tries to re-sprout interest in the arcade, twitch-action genre. In the 90s and early 2000s, we had a collection of great first-person shooters that emphasised pure action. Doom, Quake,Duke Nukem and Serious Sam all required the player to have fast hand-eye coordination, sharp aiming, abuse bunny hopping, and strafe around enemies just to survive. It has come to the point in this day and age where t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

WRC3 is a solid rallying experience that is entertaining. 0

I have always enjoyed seeing cars being thrashed around unconventional tracks in the world of rally. I find the sport to be exhilarating to watch, but I also relish videogames that are based on the motorsport. There is something appealing to me about driving a car 100MPH through dirt, rain and snow, over jumps, and sliding around corners on a track that is full of twists and turns. I have played many videogames that try to capture the essence of the sport, all in their own unique ways, be it sim...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

limited game that mainly appeals to kids/the hardcore Pokémon fan 0

I was disappointed when Nintendo announced Pokémon Black Version 2 and White version 2for the original DS. I understand why they did it. Most Pokémon fans have not migrated to the 3DS yet, so why spoil the chance for huge sales by limiting it to 3DS owners. Even so, it does not soften the blow. I wanted to use my new 3DS to play a new exclusive Pokémon game, and I cannot do that yet. I guess Nintendo felt like they had to do something to promote Pokémon on the 3DS and try at least keep owners of...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The best and most feature rich LBP game yet. 0

The Vita has struggled to grasp consumers. The sales have been lacking and the games have not exactly been steamrolling towards the system. Sony have picked up their pace with support for the handheld – after the awful E3 showing, where gamers were not impressed with the lack of information for the Vita – and, finally, some interesting games are due in the future. Until those arrive, we have Sony bringing LittleBigPlanet PS Vita (LBP Vita) to us. This little gem of a game is the perfect showcase...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Tryst feels like it needs more work and more content - a shame. 0

The realm of great real-time strategy games (RTS) seems to be limited to the PC; the use of keyboard and mouse is the perfect method to control your army, and trying to capture that on a console just does not work. Recently, there have not been many RTS games to shout about, with StarCraft II stealing most of the limelight for the genre. The future is looking interesting after the recent announcements of the Frostbite 2-powered Command & Conquer: Generalssequel and the very successful Kickst...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Mugen Souls has interesting ideas, but they are badly implemented 0

There is no doubt that if you want a wacky RPG experience, then the Japanese are the masters at delivering such bizarre concepts and stories for the genre. Compile Heart, who are teaming up with Nippon Ichi Software again, are no strangers to adding weirdness to the genre. Gamers might have heard of Hyperdimensional Neptunia or its sequel Hyperdimensional Neptunia MK2, which had the plot revolve around characters based on game consoles and handhelds, and used the console wars as a foundation for...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

One Piece: Pirate Warriors is a game that surprised me with fun 0

I am fairly new to the world of One Piece, as I only started watching the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his diverse group of companions called the Straw Hats a few months back. Story-wise, I am well behind where the anime currently sits with its 500+ episodes. That said, I can appreciate Omega Force’s attempt to blend the Dynasty Warriors formula with the extremely popular series, and you know what? It could very well be my favourite spin-off of the Warriorsseries so far. Fans of the anime a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

F1 2012 is the best F1 game I have ever played. 0

For the past two years Codemasters have done a great job bringing back the exhilarating feeling of F1 to the videogame world. Let’s be honest here: Is there really anyone else you would want handling the F1 licence right now? Codemasters have proven to be the company that can make exciting and compelling racing games that manage to blend together a mixture of realism, simulation, and arcade, for both novice and pro racing fans. F1 2012 continues the growth of the franchise with new modes and sev...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

core gameplay is engaging and rewarding enough to be worthwhile 0

The last of the Resident Evil games to hit in 2012 is finally upon us, and no doubt this new entry in the main line of games is going to cause quite a stir with diehard fans of the franchise as they wonder what the hell Capcom is doing with their beloved, once-almighty horror series.Resident Evil is no longer the scary, continuous suspense game that it used to be. It has evolved into something more in line with an action game containing a horror-themed plot. There is no doubt Capcom has brought ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Torchlight II is one of the best examples of a dungeon raider 0

The first Torchlight was a surprise hit for Runic Games back in 2009. This was helped by the generous price of the game and the fact that two of the designers were co-designers for Blizzard’s Diablo and the fanatically praised sequel, Diablo II. These guys knew how to make a desirable loot-based game. Even with the success, the game itself was limited to single player and featured one massive dungeon that took place over 35 floors. An infinite, generated dungeon did open up after completing the ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is moving closer to the brilliance for 0

You know football season has started when it is raining outside, kids are back at school, and the press is full of news about the stars and fans of the beautiful game causing uproar one way or another. During the start of the season, two giant videogame franchises are trying to prove why you should part with your hard-earned cash. In the past, there has been one clear winner between the – what seems eternal – rivalry of FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer. EA’s juggernaut has been improving on the gam...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD is a truly unique fighter 0

I am all behind old games being updated for current systems, especially fighting games. I never got to play JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure back when the game released on the PS1 and Dreamcast, so this is the perfect time for me to test it out. That said, it seems this HD release has not been given the same amount of love that Street Fighter III: Third Strike: Online Edition or the upcoming Marvel vs. Capcom Origins received, and that really is a shame, because JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a rather uniq...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A trip down memory lane is great for existing fans 0

I am surprised it took Sega this long to release an HD port of the critically acclaimed Jet Set Radio. Then again, the company has made some disappointing decisions in my opinion, such as the stupid March 2013 delay for Anarchy Reigns (the game is fully translated already!) and HD ports for games that people most likely did not ask for. Who would take Sega Bass Fishingover ChuChu Rocket or Skies of Arcadia? Anyway, Jet Set Radio is finally here to tease our nostalgia for the game, but is nostalg...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the best, deepest,most exciting Tekken 0

It has been almost three years since gamers received a new Tekken game. The last title,Tekken 6, released just after the rebirth of fighting games (due to the fantastic Street Fighter IV) back in 2009. The original Tekken Tag Tournament was a PAL launch title for thePlayStation 2 and regarded by some as the most fun of the series, attributed to the inclusion of the tag mechanics and the feeling that it was built on top of the Tekken 3 fighting system. Twelve years later, the tag mechanic returns...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Tales of Graces F makes a return to form for the genre on PS3 0

It can be hard being a Japanese RPG fan and living in the UK. There have been times when I wanted to play a new JRPG, but region locking or lack of translation often stopped me or delayed my chance to play the game for months, even years. Releases have become better during this generation, but there are still improvements to be made. Take the Tales series for example. The last release that was not a port was the wonderful Tales of Vesperia on the Xbox 360, which came out in 2008. It’s now 2012, ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A delightful, light-hearted piece of entertainment. 0

I’m going to start this review with a statement about myself: I do not play mobile phone games. I have tried to, but I never found the platform fascinating as a gaming device, even with all the celebrated releases. The fact is I simply don’t like the idea of being forced to use handicapped controls that deteriorate the overall experience. With that said, then, I am happy to see that some of the developers of these top iOS games are bringing their titles to the PC through digital distribution. On...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

ClaDun X2 is a decent time waster. My Darkzero review. 0

After Xseed Games released the Ys series on Steam, I was hoping that some of the other publishers with heavy focus on releasing Japanese titles in English would join in on the fun. Nippon Ichi Software (the guys that brought you the brilliant Disgaea series) has just released its first title on Valve’s digital platform. Called ClaDun X2, this game is a port of the PSP game with the same name that came out last year.ClaDun X2 has a barebones story that takes a back seat to the gameplay and is kep...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

most satisfying and rewarding pieces of digital entertainment 0

The transition from consoles to PC has been a mixture of ups and downs for Dark Souls. After the initial console release, PC fans wanted to experience the game as well, setting up a petition to Namco Bandai that actually pushed the company into porting the game to PC. After the publisher confirmed the game was coming (to much appraise), things did not go so well.It started with the announcement that Dark Souls would come with Games for Windows Live support, which many hardcore PC gamers seem to ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

refreshing Hong Kong setting to make for a brilliant sandbox game 0

I have just come from finishing the PC version of Sleeping Dogs, and one of the first questions that entered my head was “Why, Activision?” Now, I have no idea what state Sleeping Dogs was in before Activision gave United Front Games the kick out of the door and Square Enix picked up the publishing rights, but the final product is a fantastic open world game that improves many aspects of the Grand Theft Auto formula. When it comes down to the quality of the game, Square Enix surely must be happy...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

impressive looking title with the best combat in its genre 0

Subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) are in a bit of a pickle at the moment. Apart from World of Warcraft (which is not at its peak anymore – just look at the dropped users), most MMORPGs are seemingly having to turn to free-to-play methods to keep the income coming in to cover costs of servers and other expenses. Unlike before, gamers aren’t willing to easily give up money for subscriptions - Star Wars: The Old Republic and the troubling release of The Sec...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Releasing a gimped version of DFO is unacceptable. 0

I have always liked the idea behind Dungeon Fighter Online. The thought of Streets of Rage or Golden Axe mixed with the blend of RPG and dungeon crawling with online multiplayer is something I could immediately embrace. The problem is Nexon will not let me play the game since I live in the UK and Dungeon Fighter Online is not available to play in this country. I was happy to hear that the series was getting an Xbox Live Arcade spin-off in the name of Dungeon Fighter Live: Fall of Hendon Myre, wh...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

When at its best, Deadlight is a thrilling experience. 0

It seems even the Summer of Arcade can’t avoid the infestation of zombies that have plagued the games industry for the last few years. I don’t personally have any beef with zombies, but what I do have a problem with is how they are used time and time again in a familiar way that makes them just as exhausting to see as the modern war setting. Telltale Games brought some freshness to the use of the undead with their great take on The Walking Dead. Tequila Works is hoping to put its spin on the zom...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

plays it too safe to be anything other than a bit of fun 0

Featured in Microsoft’s esteemed Summer of Arcade release, Wreckateer is the only title out of the five that needs a Kinect to play. I assume Microsoft is using the game’s release to show that it still supports the device and feels it’s just as important as the rest of the Summer of Arcade games. The Kinect hardware has become a bit of a hate centre for hardcore gamers, due to its ability to not work as fully intended. Even so, Microsoft never aimed the device towards the hardcore crowd. It was ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Not a good example of the genre. 0

I normally have an eye out for anything Strategy RPG-related coming to consoles or the PC, but Rainbow Moon completely missed my radar until about a week or so before it arrived on Sony’s PSN as a downloadable-only title. I had no idea the game was developed by SideQuest Studios, the people that brought us the beautiful-looking and exciting-to-play Soldner-X series. My feelings were mixed towards Rainbow Moon before I played it. On one hand I had a spider-sense that the game would be rather nice...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

looking for some nights of local multiplayer fun then this gives. 0

Most people know what to expect from a game based on the Olympics. The sport has been covered throughout the console generations, with high points like Konami’s Track and Fieldseries and low points that often include budget games (Summer Athletics…) that don’t even try to give a good representation of the sport. Sega has owned the official Olympic license for a few years now, using it to bring the fun 2008’s Beijing Olympics game to Xbox 360 and PS3. Sega has also used the license to bring a few...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Give a chance before writing it off as a poor man’s Gears of War. 0

Having a game define a genre customarily means it’s done something refreshing or innovative to stand out from the rest of the competitive market. These highly praised titles learn from the ideas of the past and build upon them to make games better – evolving the genre in the process. The developers at Saber Interactive have taken their inspiration for Gears of War by creating a cover-based third-person shooter that adds in gameplay based around gravity manipulation. The idea is great in design, ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

While not the best Spidey game, it's fun nonetheless. 0

There’s no doubt that if you have an interest in this game, you’ve probably already seen The Amazing Spider-Man film. You might have enjoyed it or you might have hated it and preferred Sam Raimi’s vision of the web shooting hero. Either way, what really matters with this movie license video game adaption is if it’s any good. We all know most license games based on their respective films usually end up mediocre or terrible. There’s a few exceptions, but those can most likely be counted on your fi...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

ecommended investment for a few afternoons of zombie blasting fun 0

The Wii is a console that most big companies would simply ignore when releasing a major entry in a key franchise. Companies didn’t trust that the games on the system would sell, and instead opt to put spin-offs on the system to avoid losing mass amounts of money. Capcom did this withResident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, both games that appeared on the Wii system as lightgun games and not survival horror that the series is especially known for. That’s ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

best video game representation of the card game to date. 0

Card games are hard for me to get into. I’m sure I am not alone regarding reasons why people decide not to pick up and play them. My problems are, firstly, is that I need to find people close to me who already play or are willing to buy some decks and play with me. The second is that I am a stingy git and I don’t like the idea of shelling out quite a bit of money (in my eyes) on expensive, shiny pieces of card that might not even get used that much. Well, for people who fall into this category, ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

I simply cannot cough up a recommendation for this game 0

I am always up for playing Strategy RPGs. Even though I started gaming when the Commodore 64 was introduced, I never got into Strategy RPGs until the PlayStation era. One of my first tastes with the genre was Front Mission 3, a brilliant mech themed game that blew me away with its deep mechanics, multiple stories and amazing gameplay structure. Since then I’ve played most critically acclaimed masterpieces, such as Disgaea, Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Valkyrie Chronicles, an...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Origin builds on the formula with a solid, constructed experience 0

I love how the PC is allowing people to embrace its gaming history by constantly getting older titles updated to work on newer hardware and operating systems. Places like Steam open up a new world for recent PC gamers to dabble in these relics. Lately, it has also given gamers the opportunity to play previously Japanese only videogames in full English. Ys Origin (released in 2006 in Japan) is one of those titles that never saw the light of day outside of Japan. That is until Xseed got the rights...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Whole heartily recommend playing Spec Ops: The Line experience. 0

This generation of gaming has sure seen its fair share of first and third-person modern military shooters. I’ve got nothing against these games; I just wish developers would change the themes and settings to something that isn’t part of this “genre standard” anymore. In all honesty, I went into 2K Games’ latest entry in the Spec Ops series with a bit of a meh attitude. I didn’t know all that much about it and because of the military setting I wasn’t expecting anything great to come out of it. I ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

I can’t help but feel disappointed in Krater 0

With Diablo III out and still hanging in people’s minds – which is evident by the gamers still playing – you must have balls of steel, have something special or simply be mental to release an action-RPG dungeon crawler so close to Blizzard’s mammoth title. Fatshark has just done that with the PC exclusive Krater, a post-apocalyptic themed game that takes place in the country of Sweden, which just happens to be where the developers come from. What makes the game stand out? Well, it’s not Sweden’s...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Alan's next adventure isn't as thrilling, but it still entertains 0

The PC version of Alan Wake hit on Steam a week before this sequel was bound for release on Xbox Live Arcade. For whatever reason, it took a long time coming for Mr. Wake to move his torch shining skills to the PC. As a game, I found Alan Wake to be a brilliant title that combined solid shooting, tight gripping atmosphere and a fascinating story into one package. It seems this time around PC gamers won’t have to wait two years to play Remedy Entertainment’s next instalment of the Alan Wake serie...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention is one of the best games for Vita 0

The future for Sony’s PlayStation Vita might not be looking too bright at the moment as the games we know are planned for the system remain dateless. Luckily for Vita fans, Nippon Ichi Software has you covered with its latest Vita title, Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention. This strategy RPG series started back on the PlayStation 2 and was put on the radar as a game that prided itself with a comical storyline, amusing characters and incredibly deep and rewarding gameplay that could last for hours up...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Dirt: Showdown is a different kind of Dirt, but it is still great 0

The Dirt series from Codemasters has had an interesting evolution since the first title arrived in 2007. Originally Colin McRae: Dirt, the game was filled with different events that featured a range of vehicles, such as rally cars, buggies and hill climbing big rigs. The sequel moved away from the traditional sport setup and went into the field of extreme sports, such as the X-Games, where rally events didn’t have the dominate focus by which the series is normally known. Codemasters took the fee...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Blades of Time is a better game than X-Blades, but not by much. 0

If you have a good memory, you might remember a mediocre hack and slash game that went by the name of X-Blades that came out in 2009 for both the PS3 and Xbox 360. The game wasn’t any good as it suffered from bad repetition in gameplay, location designs and combat. At least the anime inspired graphics were nice to look at, and the main character, Ayumi, was created with a sexy, cute anime girl look with a costume that rendered her G-string invisible, displaying all her bottom in full glory for t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

, Diablo III is the place to go to live out your looting dreams. 0

It has been twelve years since Diablo II arrived on PC systems. Hitting in 2000, it was met with critical acclaim from the press, creating legions of gamers into diehard fans who succumbed to its addictive and rewarding gameplay. It was so popular that companies tried to jump on the bandwagon by creating countless copies of the formula, some good and some god damn awful. These games became known as Diablo clones, and clones they were, as they could never quite capture the essence of everything t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fate/Extra features a great story, but not so great gameplay. 0

The arrival of the PlayStation Vita in February was a signal for the end of the PlayStation Portable’s (PSP) life support. Looking to the horizon of the PSP there’s nothing coming for the system, unless you’re a fan of Japanese RPGs that is. There’s still a few interesting titles to arrive and as long as they are released on the PSN store, both Vita and PSP owners can play them. I enjoyed the PSP because it allowed JRPGs to be released in English that most likely wouldn’t have seen the light of ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.