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Giant Bomb keeps me from going crazy.

**Warning** this blog contains subject matter that some might find disturbing. For serious. Read the second sentence and know that I share a small part of a client's story. So if you don't want to read that sort of thing, you might want to go someplace happier (or skip the first paragraph). Also names and genders have been removed to protect the innocent.

I have played video games since my cousin showed me that you could put quarters in that Frogger machine at the restaurant. I also work as a sexual assault victim's advocate. It can be an incredibly stressful job. Whether over the phone or in person, I have to act as a sponge for a victim's raw emotions be they fear, sadness, anger, or simply frustration. Today, a client who has been calling for several days (but hanging up every time an advocate answers) choose to speak with me. It turned out that it was a minor victim who was being abused by a family member and was reaching out for help. I was mandated to report to the proper authorities, but this client was not planning on giving me any identifying information. After approximately an hour and a half, I was able to get their information and report the crime to Child Protective Services. I have worked in this position for almost five years, and this is the first time that I have had to struggle with this particular situation. While I have spoken to parents and their children who suffer abuse, either the crime has already been reported or they hang up when I identify myself as a mandated reporter. It was an incredibly stressful experience, but indescribably rewarding.

"Why am I talking about this on Giant Bomb and bringing everyone down?" you say. Because this site has been part of how I take care of myself in this job for as long as it has existed. When I have a bad day or just need to relax before I start a shift, I can pop open a video to make me smile or listen to the dulcet tones of the Bombcast to keep myself sane. Years later, the Dragonball: Evolution Quick Look can still make me bust out laughing as Ryan losses it when the character portraits first start to bounce off of each other. I think that the way these guys can cover games is perfectly suited to me. The way that they can use humor to make even terrible games amazing to watch is captivating and gives me some much needed smiles. Hell, I had no real drive to complete Persona 3: FES because I have a crippling fear of playing games the "wrong way." The way that game starts to open up when you have more social links than time and the staggering number of Personas put me off quickly. But seeing Jeff and Vinny succeeding (most of the time) at Persona 4 while the comments section was blowing up with people saying they were playing it wrong, made me pick up 3 again and (minus getting beat down by Nyx the first time) beat the game without resorting to using a guide. And if I have to choose, I would say it is probably my favorite JRPG of all time.

These guys make me laugh, make me enjoy my hobby even more, and even give me an inside look at the industry every once and a while. Nowhere else on the internet is coverage of video games so awesome. Thank you Jeff, Ryan, Brad, Vinny, Patrick, Alex, Dave, Drew, and the interns (forgive me if I forgot anyone) for making this site great. My mental health is decent thanks to you guys...and you happen to run an awesome website too.