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    Location » linked to 29 games

    A major district in Tokyo known for its pop-culture and shopping.

    Short summary describing this location.

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    Shibuya is one of the most popular and famous districts in the city of Tokyo, which has become a cultural hotspot for the youth of Japan. Shibuya is has a remarkable amount of places for shopping, mainly consisting of the latest in Japanese fashion. The area is also an all around hub for social activity and nightlife. Thousands visit everyday, with the most people concentrated around Shibuya train station and Center Gai, the street directly across the station where the most popular stores are. The amount of people flowing in and out of Shibuya at nearly all times makes it one of the most pedestrian condensed places in the world. The district is semi-famous for the Shibuya crossing, where a ridiculous amount of people cross the street outside the train station in all directions.


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